#2 Struggling to find the same ADNI dataset

öppnade 4 månader sedan av JPonsa · 1 kommentarer

Unable to find the same raw ADNI dataset. I have access to ADNI. I can find the data associated with a specific patient (e.g. 023_S_0139). However, I am struggling to find the files specified in “ADNI_MALPEM_baseline_1069_gender.csv”. Taking the following file as example, ADNI_023_S_0139_MR_MPRGradWarpB1_CorrectionN3Scaled_2_Br_20081002100910505_S11079_I118971.nii.gz

  • I cannot find any nii file in ADNI. All are DCM.
  • I assumed MR MPR references to MRI MPRAGE.
  • assumed 20081002 reference the Acquisition Date 02/10/2008. I could not find any file for patient 023_S_0139 for that day.

I would be very grateful if you could provide guidance on how to obtain the MRI scans and how to map them to the segmentations

Unable to find the same raw ADNI dataset. I have access to ADNI. I can find the data associated with a specific patient (e.g. 023_S_0139). However, I am struggling to find the files specified in “ADNI_MALPEM_baseline_1069_gender.csv”. Taking the following file as example, ADNI_023_S_0139_MR_MPR__GradWarp__B1_Correction__N3__Scaled_2_Br_20081002100910505_S11079_I118971.nii.gz - I cannot find any nii file in ADNI. All are DCM. - I assumed MR MPR references to MRI MPRAGE. - assumed 20081002 reference the Acquisition Date 02/10/2008. I could not find any file for patient 023_S_0139 for that day. I would be very grateful if you could provide guidance on how to obtain the MRI scans and how to map them to the segmentations
Joan Ponsa kommenterad 4 månader sedan

Sorry. User error. By default, the ADNI search engine doesn't show the processed files.

Sorry. User error. By default, the ADNI search engine doesn't show the processed files.
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