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Delete 'MATLAB Scripts/processDFFInitVars.m'

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      MATLAB Scripts/processDFFInitVars.m

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MATLAB Scripts/processDFFInitVars.m

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-function [ newNeurons, fluorescenceData, classifications, binaryPullTimes,pulls,options] = processDFFInitVars(dir, pullFrames, fr, autoClassifyNeurons, pTA)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              
-% This function initializes variables needed for processDFFPipeline.m
-%   Detailed explanation goes here
-    %% Find the json file and Load in variables for dff extraction from same directory.
-    if isempty(dir)
-        disp('Pick Centroid json file');
-        [foldername, dir] = uigetfile('.json', 'Pick Centroid json file');     
-        jsonFilePath = fullfile(dir,foldername); % Set the file name using this variable
-    else
-        jsonFilePath = fullfile(dir, 'centroids.json');
-    end
-    if(exist(fullfile(dir, 'Fdf.mat'),'file'))
-        load(fullfile(dir, 'Fdf.mat'))
-    end
-    if(exist(fullfile(dir, 'Cd.mat'),'file'))
-        load(fullfile(dir, 'Cd.mat'))
-    end
-    if(exist(fullfile(dir, 'Sp.mat'),'file'))
-        load(fullfile(dir, 'Sp.mat'))
-    end
-    %% Create a new struct with neuron data (nid, dff, Cd, and Sp) concatenated by time (optional)
-    Fdf_concat = [];
-    Sp_concat = [];
-    Cd_concat = [];
-    for i = 1:length(F_df)
-        if(exist('F_df','var'))
-            Fdf_concat = horzcat(Fdf_concat, cell2mat(F_df(i)));
-        end
-        if(exist('Sp','var'))
-            Sp_concat = horzcat(Sp_concat, cell2mat(Sp(i)));
-        end
-        if(exist('Cd','var'))
-            Cd_concat = horzcat(Cd_concat, cell2mat(Cd(i)));
-        end
-    end
-    fluorescenceData = struct('Fdf',Fdf_concat,'Cd',Cd_concat,'Sp',Sp_concat);
-    newNeurons = struct('nid',[],'dff',[],'Cd',[],'Sp',[]);
-    neurons = jsonread(jsonFilePath);
-    numNeurons = length(neurons.jmesh);
-    for i = 1:numNeurons
-        newNeurons(i).nid = i;
-        %newNeurons(i).dff = Fdf_concat(i,:)';
-        newNeurons(i).Sp = Sp_concat(i,:)';
-        newNeurons(i).Cd = Cd_concat(i,:)';
-    end
-    %% Initialize Variables
-    numFrames = length(Cd_concat);
-    xpoints = 1:numFrames;
-    if isempty(pTA)
-        pTA = 1; % Default Value - frames before and after pull to average
-    end
-    if isempty(fr)
-        fr = 3; %% If no framerate set, just use frame numbers.
-    end
-    options = struct('numFrames',numFrames,'numNeurons',numNeurons,'pTA',pTA,'xpoints',xpoints,'framerate',fr);
-    %% Pull Time Data
-    binaryPullTimes = zeros(1,numFrames);
-    for i = 1:2:length(pullFrames)
-        binaryPullTimes(pullFrames(i) - pTA :pullFrames(i+1) + pTA) = 1;
-    end
-    pulls= struct('pullNum',[],'pullFrames',[],'average',[]);
-    pullNum = 1;
-    for i = 1:2:length(pullFrames)
-        thisPull = Cd_concat(:,pullFrames(i) - pTA : pullFrames(i+1) + pTA);
-        meanPull = mean(thisPull,1);
-        pulls(pullNum).pullNum = pullNum;
-        pulls(pullNum).pullFrames = [pullFrames(i) pullFrames(i+1)];
-        pulls(pullNum).average = meanPull;
-        pullNum = pullNum + 1;
-    end
-    %% Initialize Data Frame for Classifying Cells as Active or Quiescent Active
-    % data(3).im(2).roi_trace_thresh(10,:) % Third Animal on second days 10th roi
-    % Data Struct - first input
-    data=struct('im',[]);
-    data.im = struct('roi_trace_thresh',Sp_concat,'roi_trace_df',Sp_concat);
-    % Analysis Struct - second input
-    % analysis(3).lever(2).lever_move_frames(:,1) % Third Animal on the Second
-    % day - binarized movement frames
-    analysis = struct('lever',[]);
-    analysis.lever = struct('lever_move_frames',[]);
-    analysis(1).lever(1).lever_move_frames = binaryPullTimes';
-    [classified_rois, classified_p] = AP_classify_movement_cells_continuous(data,analysis); % Seems to work pretty well
-    %% Neuron Classification Variables
-    if isempty(autoClassifyNeurons)
-        autoClassifyNeurons = true;
-    end
-    if autoClassifyNeurons
-        active = find(classified_rois.movement);
-        quiesc = find(classified_rois.quiescent);
-        indisc = find(classified_rois.unclassified_active);
-    else % Have a csv file with the data for
-        disp('Pick neuron classification file');
-        nCfile = uigetfile(fullfile(dir,'*.csv'),'Pick neuron classification file');
-        neuronClass = csvread(fullfile(dir,nCfile));
-        active = find(neuronClass==1);
-        quiesc = find(neuronClass==2);
-        indisc = find(neuronClass==3);
-    end
-    classifications = struct('classified_rois',classified_rois,'classified_p',classified_p,'active',active,'quiescent',quiesc,'indisc',indisc);