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Dear Editor,

Thank you for providing a quality LaTeX template with a reliable build system for submitting authors to use. This makes work on manuscripts with your journal far easier and faster than e.g. WYSIWYG-editors — as well as making the resulting article easier to integrate with automated data processing.

We would like to recommend a few improvements in your template which we feel would make work on manuscripts with you even cleaner, and the output prettier:

  1. Consider importing the siunitx package by default. Inlining measurement units in text mode provides inadequate spacing and can lead to chaotic unit assignments withing (and perhaps of greater concern for you) between articles.
  2. Consider providing an article.tex file which simply includes other *.tex files for respective sections. This allows authors to more easily compartmentalize their work, and also allows you to better encourage authors to use predefined sections.
  3. Consider changing the citation style to either numbered, or auto-generated superscript. Currently, vanilla supercite uses the bibliography shorthand, which, particularly in the world of software, and particularly for references authors might use often, is frequently just a shorthand or the name of the package, as opposed to AuthorYear, and thus looks either crypthic or repetitive, barring authors editing their bibliography shorthands.
  4. In the interest of better referencing (for figures, tables, etc.) consider using the cleveref package, it is part of standard texlive and provides much better reference text generation, including prepending the type of reference, dealing with multiple concatenated references by generating a range, as well as adjusting capitalization depending on sentence context.
  5. For points not otherwise mentioned, please inspect the sections in rescience.cls and header/common.tex labelled “Chymeric”.