#106 Add cell explorer new files

h-mayorquin chce zlúčiť 2 revíziu z vetvy h-mayorquin/master do vetvy NeuralEnsemble/master

I added new files for the CellExplorer format, they are stubbed spikes files in both the classical format of matlab and the new hdf5 supported ones.

I added new files for the CellExplorer format, they are stubbed spikes files in both the classical format of matlab and the new hdf5 supported ones.
sprenger okomentoval 11 mesiacov pred

Hi @h-mayorquin! Can you push your feature branch directly to the Neuralensemble/ephy_testing_data repository? Otherwise git-annexed content will be unavailable after merging as annexed files are not duplicated upon merge. I added you as a collaborator, so you should have the right to push directly to this repo.

Hi @h-mayorquin! Can you push your feature branch directly to the Neuralensemble/ephy_testing_data repository? Otherwise git-annexed content will be unavailable after merging as annexed files are not duplicated upon merge. I added you as a collaborator, so you should have the right to push directly to this repo.

What a strange behavior.

What a strange behavior.

I opened another PR then: https://gin.g-node.org/NeuralEnsemble/ephy_testing_data/pulls/107

Feel free to close this.

I opened another PR then: https://gin.g-node.org/NeuralEnsemble/ephy_testing_data/pulls/107 Feel free to close this.
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