Alena Ulla Uus 3 maanden geleden
1 gewijzigde bestanden met toevoegingen van 8 en 3 verwijderingen
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+ 8 - 3

@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ This repository contains multi-channel spatio-temporal MRI atlas of normal fetal
 - <u>diffusion</u>: diffusion (FA, MD, RD, average DWI b=1000 shell, ODF) images for each of the timepoints
-- <u>parcellations</u>: tissue label parcellation files for each of the timepoints 
+- <u>parcellations</u>: BOUNTI tissue label parcellation files for each of the timepoints 
 - <u>transformations</u>: affine transformations to the common space for each of the timepoints 
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ This repository contains multi-channel spatio-temporal MRI atlas of normal fetal
 ### Methods
-- the spatio-temportal atlas was constructed using [MIRTK]( toolbox similarlty to [the dHCP neonatal atlas]( based on the optimised pipeline used for the neonatal dHCP atlas [(Schuh et al., 2018)]( with 3 iterations of multi-channel (T2w+cortex) guided registration followed by direct averaging with Laplacian sharpening 
+- the spatio-temportal atlas was constructed using [MIRTK]( toolbox similarlty to [the dHCP neonatal atlas]( based on the optimised pipeline used for the neonatal dHCP atlas [(Schuh et al., 2018)]( with 3 iterations of multi-channel (T2w+cortex) guided registration with manual case-specific refinements followed by direct averaging with Laplacian sharpening 
 - the atlas contains 16 timepoint from [21; 36] weeks GA range with 5 channels (T2w, T1w, FA, MD, RD, average DWI b=1000 shell, ODF) and 0.5mm output isotropic resolution
@@ -91,11 +91,16 @@ The views expressed are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the NH
 In case you found this resource useful please give appropriate credit to the atlases:
+- Uus A, Kyriakopoulou V, Cordero Grande L, Christiaens D, Pietsch M, Price A, Wilson S, Patkee P, Karolis S, Schuh A, Gartner A, Williams L, Hughes E, Arichi T, O'Muircheartaigh J, Hutter J, Robinson E, Tournier JD, Rueckert D, Counsell S, Rutherford M, Deprez M, Hajnal JV, Edwards AD (2023) Multi-channel spatio-temporal MRI atlas of the normal fetal brain development from the developing Human Connectome Project. G-Node. doi:10.12751/g-node.ysgsy1
 - dHCP fetal brain MRI atlas:
 - dCHP project:
-- Uus A, Kyriakopoulou V, Cordero Grande L, Christiaens D, Pietsch M, Price A, Wilson S, Patkee P, Karolis S, Schuh A, Gartner A, Williams L, Hughes E, Arichi T, O'Muircheartaigh J, Hutter J, Robinson E, Tournier JD, Rueckert D, Counsell S, Rutherford M, Deprez M, Hajnal JV, Edwards AD (2023) Multi-channel spatio-temporal MRI atlas of the normal fetal brain development from the developing Human Connectome Project. G-Node. doi:10.12751/g-node.ysgsy1
 - Alena U. Uus, Vanessa Kyriakopoulou, Antonios Makropoulos, Abi Fukami-Gartner, Daniel Cromb, Alice Davidson, Lucilio Cordero-Grande, Anthony N. Price, Irina Grigorescu, Logan Z. J. Williams, Emma C. Robinson, David Lloyd, Kuberan Pushparajah, Lisa Story, Jana Hutter, Serena J. Counsell, A. David Edwards, Mary A. Rutherford, Joseph V. Hajnal, Maria Deprez. 2023 BOUNTI: Brain vOlumetry and aUtomated parcellatioN for 3D feTal MRIeLife12:RP88818