PlotDataNonSmokers.m 633 B

  1. % PlotDataNonSmokers.m
  2. %
  3. % This function calls PlotData for the non-smokers category
  4. %
  5. % input:
  6. % questX - string for the question to plot in the x axis. In the form ex. '1_1'
  7. % questY - string for the question to plot in the Y axis. In the form ex. '2_7'
  8. function PlotDataNonSmokers(questX, questY)
  9. [qIds, qChoices] = LoadQuestions('../data/non_smoker_question_choices.txt');
  10. [qtIds, questions] = LoadQuestions('../data/non_smoker_questions.txt');
  11. [qrIds, dIds, responses] = LoadResponses('../data/non_smoker_converted.csv');
  12. PlotData(questX, questY, qIds, qChoices, qtIds, questions, qrIds, responses);
  13. end