Holly Bridge 5 rokov pred
1 zmenil súbory, kde vykonal 14 pridanie a 1 odobranie
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 # brainwithoutv1
-Structural and functional MRI data from animal with bilateral damage to visual cortex to accompany paper. 
+This repository contains the raw MRI data to accompany the manuscript 'Preserved extrastriate visual network in a monkey with substantial, naturally occurring damage to primary visual cortex'. 
+The data supplied are T1-weighted structural images divided by T2-weighted SPACE images. Resolution is 0.5mm isotropic. More details can be found in the paper. These data are used in Figures 1 and 3.
+Functional MRI data are supplied in NIFTI_GZ format for 4 animals: Animal S (with damage) and 3 control animals. Resolution is 1.0 mm isotropic with a TR of 2.0 seconds. Additional details can be found in the manuscript. 
+Stimulus for 'checker' runs is a flickering checkerboard contrasted with grey screen. 
+Stimulus for 'motion' runs is moving dots contrasted with stationary dots. 
+All experiments are 30 seconds 'on'; 30 seconds 'off' and start with an 'on' period. 
+Structural images for the fMRI are also included in the directory for registration purposes. Note these structural images were not used for any of the quantitative analyses. 
+fMRI data were used for Figures 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8.