TemplateFlow-compliant version of the volumetric dHCP infant templates.

Обновлено 3 месяцев назад

TemplateFlow-compliant version of the volumetric dHCP infant templates.

Обновлено 3 месяцев назад

Uruguayan Chatbot Project - Code

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some default

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some default

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dhcpSym spatiotemporal cortical surface atlas

Обновлено 3 месяцев назад

Longitudinal (8 wks) T2-weighted MRI and resting-state functional MRI (rs-fMRI) of WT mice with cortical stroke

Обновлено 3 месяцев назад

Data and code for: Directed information exchange between cortical layers in V1 and V4 and its modulation by selective attention. Data contain simultaneous ephys recording of LFPs in V1 and V4 during covert, visual attention behavior. Code runs characterization of spectral power, coherence, and custom designed Conditional Granger Causality (cGC) based on Mutual Information extraction for layer-wise and contact-wise interplay between and within cortical areas.

Обновлено 3 месяцев назад

In this online study, 202 participants completed fear acquisition (ACQ) on day 1 and fear generalisation (GEN) on day 2. Conditioned stimuli (CS) were two black rings; for GEN, 8 stimuli (GS2-GS9) with 15% size increments between CS+ and CS- were used. Unconditioned stimuli consisted of unpleasant and neutral pictures. 4 groups were tested: non-smokers, smokers who stopped smoking 6h post-ACQ, smokers who smoked post-ACQ, and smokers who smoked pre-ACQ. Additional analyses compared smokers and non-smokers.

Обновлено 3 месяцев назад

The tool allows to retrieve and fit empirical data to the distribution of folded Gaussian random variables, including the distribution of sum and difference of pairs of random variables.

Обновлено 3 месяцев назад

The function computes Latency indices base don MUAes fitted by cumulative gaussian function with 5 (degrees of freedom) parameters (mu, sigma, alpha, c, d). The best fit is assigned based on Least Squares (LS) of iterative estimation.

Обновлено 3 месяцев назад

The code computes Currsent Source Densities via the iCSD Cubic Splines method published in (Pettersen et al., J Neurosci Methods, 2006) developed for (Ferro, van Kempen, Boyd, Panzeri, Thiele, PNAS 2021).

Обновлено 3 месяцев назад

OpenNeuro Average (onavg) surface template

Обновлено 3 месяцев назад

some default

Обновлено 3 месяцев назад

Обновлено 3 месяцев назад

Обновлено 3 месяцев назад

This repository consists of fear/discomfort/physical arousal ratings from before/after observational threat acquisition and generalisation. Further subjects rated their safety/danger towards generalised stimuli. Also movement data from a subsequent avoidance task are uploaded. These data can be found as .csv files. Analyses were performed in R. Associated scripts for the ratings, as well as for the avoidance task, are uploaded as .R files. 90 healthy human subjects participated in this online study.

Обновлено 3 месяцев назад

Data and codes repository for the research work: "Blocked vs. Interleaved: How range contexts modulate time perception and its EEG signatures"

Обновлено 3 месяцев назад

This repository consists of fear/discomfort/physical arousal ratings from before/after observational threat acquisition and generalisation. Further subjects rated their safety/danger towards generalised stimuli. Also movement data from a subsequent avoidance task are uploaded. These data can be found as .csv files. Analyses were performed in R. Associated scripts for the ratings, as well as for the avoidance task, are uploaded as .R files. 90 healthy human subjects participated in this online study.

Обновлено 3 месяцев назад