Multi-channel spatio-temporal MRI atlas of normal fetal brain development (dHCP project)

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Data for "Neuronal population representation of human emotional memory"

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Recordings of local field potentials from the visual and auditory cortices of male mice with a conditional reinstatement of Pcdh9 and controls.

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Data for "Neuronal population representation of human emotional memory"

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Craniofacial 3D fetal MRI atlases

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Experimental and simulation data to reproduce figures of EI_clustered_network

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Data and code for: Directed information exchange between cortical layers in V1 and V4 and its modulation by selective attention. Data contain simultaneous ephys recording of LFPs in V1 and V4 during covert, visual attention behavior. Code runs characterization of spectral power, coherence, and custom designed Conditional Granger Causality (cGC) based on Mutual Information extraction for layer-wise and contact-wise interplay between and within cortical areas.

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EMA Pilot

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Recordings of local field potentials from the visual and auditory cortices of male mice with a conditional reinstatement of Pcdh9 and controls.

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Course material for parallel computing

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High Gamma Dataset

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EMA Pilot

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Longitudinal MRI (T2-weighted and rs-fMRI) of GFAP-/-/Vim-/- and WT mice

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Steady-state VEP data recorded in female Lrrk2-KO or WT rats in two paradigms exploring the interaction between genotype and wavelength of the stimuli or genotype and the LRRK2 kinase inhibitor PFE360.

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