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Stefano Diomedi 8 miesięcy temu
1 zmienionych plików z 0 dodań i 36 usunięć
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@@ -13,42 +13,6 @@ Contains six HDF5 files, each corresponding to a specific animal and area. The n
 5. *MonkeyS_PEc_reach9pos.h5*
 6. *MonkeyS_PE_reach9pos.h5*
-Each HDF5 file has a hierarchical structure consisting of directories, folders, and subfolders. At the lowest level of the hierarchy, we have the actual datasets. The hierarchical organization of the six datasets is as follows:
-* Level 0: /DATA
-* Level 1: /DATA/unit
-* Level 2: /DATA/unit/cond
-* Level 3: /DATA/unit/cond/trial
-* Level 4: /DATA/unit/cond/trial/spike_trains
-* Level 4: /DATA/unit/cond/trial/event_markers
-At Level 1, there is a group for each recorded unit (Unit_01, Unit_02, etc.). Similarly, at Level 2, there is a group for each condition (target) used in the task (Cond_01, Cond_02, etc.). At Level 3, there is a group for each recorded trial (Trial_01, Trial_02, etc.). It's important to note that the number of conditions is fixed for all datasets (nine targets), while the number of trials can vary for each unit, depending on the recorded data.
-The final level, Level 4, contains the actual data, which includes the timing (in milliseconds) of each spike (spike_trains) or behavioral event (event_markers) relative to the alignment marker.
-For example, /DATA/unit_05/cond_03/trial_07/spike_trains refers to the spiking activity recorded during the seventh trial of the third condition for the fifth unit in the dataset of interest.
-Metadata has been added to groups and datasets in the form of 'attributes'. Here is a list of the 16 attributes along with a brief description:
-* *Animal* (DATA): The name of the animal ['MonkeyS', 'MonkeyF'].
-* *Area* (DATA): The targeted area ['V6A', 'PEc', 'PE'].
-* *Total neurons* (DATA): The total number of neurons in a specific dataset.
-* *Total conditions* (DATA): The total number of conditions.
-* *Total event markers* (DATA): The total number of event markers.
-* *Electrode id* (unit): A letter ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F'] indicating the recording electrode.
-* *Cito* (unit): For V6A, it could be 'V6Ad' if the neuron is recorded from the dorsal part of V6A or 'V6Av' if recorded from the ventral part of V6A45. For other areas, it is the same as the Area attribute.
-* *Hemisphere* (unit): Identifier of the hemisphere from which the neuron was recorded, 'L' for left and 'R' for right.
-* *Target label* (cond): Labels of the targets ['near left', 'near central', 'near right', 'intermediate left', 'intermediate central', 'intermediate right', 'far left', 'far central', 'far right']. See fig.2.
-* *Laterality* (cond): The angle between the frontal (left-right) axis and the projections of the vector connecting the  initial position (home button) and the target on the horizontal plane.
-* *Elevation* (cond): The angle between the horizontal plane and the vector connecting the initial position (home button) and the target.
-* *Distance* (cond): The distance from the home button to the target.
-* *3D cartesian coordinates* (cond): Cartesian coordinates relative to the reference frame centered on the home button. the X-axis corresponds to the frontal axis (positive rightwards), the Y-axis corresponds to the sagittal axis (positive frontwards), and the Z-axis corresponds to the vertical axis (positive upwards).
-* *Duration* (trial): The duration in milliseconds of the trial.
-* *Number of spikes* (spike_trains): The total number of action potentials recorded.
-* *Marker labels* (event_markers): Labels of the event markers ['Start', 'Green on', 'Fix on', 'Green to red', 'Move out on', 'Move out off', 'Red off', 'Move in on', 'Move in off', 'End'].
-These attributes provide additional information about the animals, areas, recording details, target properties, trial characteristics, and marker events associated with the datasets.
 ##### Directory code
 In the directory */code* there are two subfolder, */code/matlab* and */code/python* each of them containing the matlab and python example script of two fucntion:
 1. *H5_raster.m* or ** generates a raster plot by plotting the neural and behavioral (event markers) data stored in a .h5 file. The plot displays the activity of a neuron over time, aligning it with specific events or conditions. To customize the plot, the user can modify the 'str' variable at the beginning of the script.