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Giacomo Guidali 1 ano atrás
1 arquivos alterados com 6 adições e 6 exclusões
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+ 6 - 6

@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ The different folders contains the following materials:
 **'Raw data MEP and TEP' folders**
-Folders contains the raw .mat files from amplifier of every participants (one folder for each participant). Here, each file contains metadata about the sampling rate and the name of the subject (S01, S02, and so on) and the experimental condition:
+Folders contains the raw .mat files from amplifier of every participants (one folder for each participant). Here, each file contains metadata about the sampling rate and the name of the subject (S01, S02, and so on) and the experimental condition, as follows:
 Mo_PA = monophasic PA direction
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ Bi_PA_Contr = biphasic PA with ipsilateral hand contracted
 MEP recording contains also the specification 'MEP' at the end of the experimental condition name
-**!! Folders in Raw data are also timestamped to notify that collection occured after Stage 1 in principle acceptance date**
+Folders in Raw data are also timestamped to notify that collection occured after Stage 1 in principle acceptance date
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ For analysis conducted using R software, .csv files containing the datasets are
 **'Script preprocessing EMG-EEG' folder**
-Contains .m files of the two preprocessing pipelines (TEP and MEP) and for the extraction of M1-P15 values. 
+Contains .m files of the two preprocessing pipelines (TEP and MEP) and the script used for the extraction of M1-P15 values. 
 For TEPs, it also contains: 
 - a subfolder with datasets with ICA weight files (.set and .fdt file, named as 'subject number and condition' - e.g., S01_Mo_PA; 'step 4.1' indicated the preprocessing pipeline step at which the file had been created)
@@ -53,19 +53,19 @@ For TEPs, it also contains:
 **'Script task' folder**
-Contains .m files of the tasks to trigger TMS pulses in the different experimental conditions 
+Contains .m files of the tasks to trigger TMS pulses in the different experimental conditions. Each file has been commented to provide a step-by-step guide to the different scripts and functions.
 **'Laboratory log' file**
-Contains information about time table of the experiment
+Contains information about time table of the experiment (mandatory for European Journal of Neuroscience).
 **'Subject_info' file**
-Contains anonimized demographic and TMS informations (i.e., resting motor threshold for every experimental condition) about the participants of our final sample
+Contains anonimized demographic and TMS informations (i.e., resting motor threshold for every experimental condition) about the participants of our final sample.