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Thomas Eggert 2 달 전
1개의 변경된 파일4개의 추가작업 그리고 3개의 파일을 삭제
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 # EggertStraube2024_BinocularFixationDrift
-Data from T. Eggert, A. Straube (2024) Conjugate and disconjugate components of horizontal fixation drift in acuity and stereo tasks. PlosOne
+Data from T. Eggert, A. Straube (2024) Conjugate and disconjugate components of horizontal fixation drift in acuity and stereo tasks. PlosOne, under review
-Content: EggertStraube_FixationDriftData.mat : Matlab datafile containing filtered and non-filtered binocular eye positions and pupil diameters for all valid trials
-         Demo_plot_trial.m: Matlab script showing how to extract and plot the data of a specific fixation interval from the matlab data file. 
+- EggertStraube_FixationDriftData.mat : Matlab datafile containing filtered and non-filtered binocular eye positions and pupil diameters for all valid trials
+- Demo_plot_trial.m: Matlab script showing how to extract and plot the data of a specific fixation interval from the matlab data file.