dataset_description.json 733 B

  1. {
  2. "Name": "BrainPain",
  3. "BIDSVersion": "1.7.0",
  4. "DatasetType": "raw",
  5. "License": "OpenCommonEtc",
  6. "Authors": [
  7. "Virginia Flanagin",
  8. "Philipp Graeff",
  9. "Ruth Ruscheweyh"
  10. ],
  11. "Acknowledgements": "We would like to thank Enrico Schulz for his great help and discussions in developing the study. Thank you also to Mathias Hübner for his help in aquiring the MRI images.",
  12. "Funding": [
  13. "Research Training Group 2175: Perception in context and its Neural Basis, Graduate School of Systemic Neuroscience (GSC 82/1)",
  14. "Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) grant for major research instrumentation (DFG, INST 409/193-1 FUGG)"
  15. ],
  16. "EthicsApprovals": "",
  17. "DatasetDOI": "..."
  18. }