Georg Ammer 9 mesiacov pred
1 zmenil súbory, kde vykonal 2 pridanie a 1 odobranie
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 **Data and code for 'Multi-level visual motion opponency in *Drosophila*, Nature Neuroscience, 2023'**
-This repository contains all data and code needed to reproduce the Main and Extended Data Figures of the publication and is grouped in folders that correspond to the Figures. Numerical data are generally provided in numpy-format and accompanied by analysis code provided in ipynb (Jupyter Notebook) files that allows reproduction of the manuscript's Figures.
+This repository contains all data and code needed to reproduce the Main and Extended Data Figures of the publication and is grouped in folders that correspond to the Figures. Numerical data are generally provided in numpy-format and accompanied by analysis code provided in ipynb (Jupyter Notebook) files that allow reproduction of the manuscript's Figures.
 Whereas most analysis code is written in Python 2.7.15, some scripts are written in Python 3.8.8.
 Note that all analysis codes necessitate the importation of open source Python libraries: