Quellcode durchsuchen

Delete 'MatlabScripts/l_RPE.m'

David Ottenheimer vor 5 Jahren
1 geänderte Dateien mit 0 neuen und 127 gelöschten Zeilen
  1. 0 127

+ 0 - 127

@@ -1,127 +0,0 @@
-%Finding RPE neurons
-clear all;
-load ('R_2R.mat');
-Suc=R_2R.SucN; %neurons with greater firing for sucrose
-%find cue excited neurons
-Cue=strcmp('Cue', R_2R.Erefnames);
-RD1=strcmp('RD1', R_2R.Erefnames);
-RD2=strcmp('RD2', R_2R.Erefnames);
-%neurons that are cue excited and sucrose preferring
-sucrose=[1  0.6  0.1];
-maltodextrin=[.9  0.3  .9];
-water=[0.00  0.75  0.75];
-total=[0.3  0.1  0.8];
-exc=[0 113/255 188/255];
-inh=[240/255 0 50/255];
-cued=[0.5  0.1  0.8];
-uncued=[0.3  0.7  0.1];
-%divide neurons up by region
-%% cue response
-Xaxis=[-0.5 1];
-inttime=find(R_2R.Param.Tm>=Xaxis(1) & R_2R.Param.Tm<=Xaxis(2));
-hold on;
-%plot sucrose preferring and cue excited neurons to cue
-sem1=nanste(R_2R.Ev(Cue).PSTHz(Sel&NAneurons,inttime),1); %calculate standard error of the mean
-plot([-2 5],[0 0],':','color','k','linewidth',0.75);
-plot([0 0],[-1 10],':','color','k','linewidth',0.75);
-axis([Xaxis(1) Xaxis(2) -0.6 6.5]);
-ylabel('Mean firing (z-score)');
-hold on;
-%plot sucrose preferring and cue excited neurons to cue
-sem1=nanste(R_2R.Ev(Cue).PSTHz(Sel&VPneurons,inttime),1); %calculate standard error of the mean
-plot([-2 5],[0 0],':','color','k','linewidth',0.75);
-plot([0 0],[-1 10],':','color','k','linewidth',0.75);
-axis([Xaxis(1) Xaxis(2) -0.6 8]);
-ylabel('Mean firing (z-score)');
-xlabel('Seconds from cue');
-%% reward response
-Xaxis=[-1 3.5];
-inttime=find(R_2R.Param.Tm>=Xaxis(1) & R_2R.Param.Tm<=Xaxis(2));
-hold on;
-%plot sucrose preferring and cue excited neurons to sucrose
-sem1=nanste(R_2R.Ev(RD1).PSTHz(Sel&NAneurons,inttime),1); %calculate standard error of the mean
-%plot sucrose preferring and cue extied neurons to malt
-sem2=nanste(R_2R.Ev(RD2).PSTHz(Sel&NAneurons,inttime),1); %calculate standard error of the mean
-plot([-2 5],[0 0],':','color','k','linewidth',0.75);
-plot([0 0],[-1 10],':','color','k','linewidth',0.75);
-axis([Xaxis(1) Xaxis(2) -0.8 6.5]);
-legend('Suc trials','Mal trials');
-title(['NAc (n=' num2str(sum(Sel&NAneurons)) ', ' num2str(round(100*sum(Sel&NAneurons)/sum(NAneurons))) '%)']);
-hold on;
-%plot sucrose preferring and cue excited neurons to sucrose
-sem1=nanste(R_2R.Ev(RD1).PSTHz(Sel&VPneurons,inttime),1); %calculate standard error of the mean
-%plot sucrose preferring and cue extied neurons to malt
-sem2=nanste(R_2R.Ev(RD2).PSTHz(Sel&VPneurons,inttime),1); %calculate standard error of the mean
-plot([-2 5],[0 0],':','color','k','linewidth',0.75);
-plot([0 0],[-1 10],':','color','k','linewidth',0.75);
-axis([Xaxis(1) Xaxis(2) -0.8 8]);
-legend('Suc trials','Mal trials');
-xlabel('Seconds from RD');
-title(['VP (n=' num2str(sum(Sel&VPneurons)) ', ' num2str(round(100*sum(Sel&VPneurons)/sum(VPneurons))) '%)']);