index.rst 3.1 KB

  1. .. module:: neo
  2. .. image:: images/neologo.png
  3. :width: 600 px
  4. Neo is a Python package for working with electrophysiology data in Python, together
  5. with support for reading a wide range of neurophysiology file formats, including
  6. Spike2, NeuroExplorer, AlphaOmega, Axon, Blackrock, Plexon, Tdt, Igor Pro, and support for
  7. writing to a subset of these formats plus non-proprietary formats including Kwik and HDF5.
  8. The goal of Neo is to improve interoperability between Python tools for
  9. analyzing, visualizing and generating electrophysiology data, by providing a common,
  10. shared object model. In order to be as lightweight a dependency as possible,
  11. Neo is deliberately limited to represention of data, with no functions for data
  12. analysis or visualization.
  13. Neo is used by a number of other software tools, including
  14. SpykeViewer_ (data analysis and visualization), Elephant_ (data analysis),
  15. the G-node_ suite (databasing), PyNN_ (simulations), tridesclous_ (spike sorting)
  16. and ephyviewer_ (data visualization).
  17. OpenElectrophy_ (data analysis and visualization) used an older version of Neo.
  18. Neo implements a hierarchical data model well adapted to intracellular and
  19. extracellular electrophysiology and EEG data with support for multi-electrodes
  20. (for example tetrodes). Neo's data objects build on the quantities_ package,
  21. which in turn builds on NumPy by adding support for physical dimensions. Thus
  22. Neo objects behave just like normal NumPy arrays, but with additional metadata,
  23. checks for dimensional consistency and automatic unit conversion.
  24. A project with similar aims but for neuroimaging file formats is `NiBabel`_.
  25. Documentation
  26. -------------
  27. .. toctree::
  28. :maxdepth: 1
  29. install
  30. core
  31. usecases
  32. io
  33. rawio
  34. examples
  35. api_reference
  36. whatisnew
  37. developers_guide
  38. io_developers_guide
  39. authors
  40. License
  41. -------
  42. Neo is free software, distributed under a 3-clause Revised BSD licence (BSD-3-Clause).
  43. Support
  44. -------
  45. If you have problems installing the software or questions about usage, documentation or anything
  46. else related to Neo, you can post to the `NeuralEnsemble mailing list`_. If you find a bug,
  47. please create a ticket in our `issue tracker`_.
  48. Contributing
  49. ------------
  50. Any feedback is gladly received and highly appreciated! Neo is a community project,
  51. and all contributions are welcomed - see the :doc:`developers_guide` for more information.
  52. `Source code <>`_ is on GitHub.
  53. Citation
  54. --------
  55. .. include:: ../../CITATION.txt
  56. .. _OpenElectrophy:
  57. .. _Elephant:
  58. .. _G-node:
  59. .. _Neuroshare:
  60. .. _SpykeViewer:
  61. .. _NiBabel:
  62. .. _PyNN:
  63. .. _quantities:
  64. .. _`NeuralEnsemble mailing list`:
  65. .. _`issue tracker`:
  66. .. _tridesclous:
  67. .. _ephyviewer: