#124 Adding rhs data for Intan systems

zm711 hat 1 Commits von NeuralEnsemble/add_rhs_data nach NeuralEnsemble/master vor 1 Monat zusammengeführt

As in the title.

As in the title.
Zach McKenzie kommentierte vor 1 Monat


We just want to doublecheck if you're okay with this PR. Unfortunately due to the nature of how files are saved this PR includes a test directory of 20MB (this is still only a 1-2 second recording, but it generates about 100 files that all need to be tested against). I'll merge this at the end of the week unless you're really against the size and then we can try to figure something else out.

@sprenger We just want to doublecheck if you're okay with this PR. Unfortunately due to the nature of how files are saved this PR includes a test directory of 20MB (this is still only a 1-2 second recording, but it generates about 100 files that all need to be tested against). I'll merge this at the end of the week unless you're really against the size and then we can try to figure something else out.
zm711 hat vor 1 Monat geschlossen
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