#116 Add Neuralynx file with time and date in header

PeterNSteinmetz жели да споји 1 комит(е) из NeuralEnsemble/NoHeaderDate у NeuralEnsemble/master
Peter N. Steinmetz коментирира пре 3 месеци

This provides a somewhat broken Neuralynx file without the first line indicating a header or the time or date in the header. It is used to test header parsing. This corresponds to ephy_testing_data issue #115 and python-neo pull requests #1403 and #1404.

This provides a somewhat broken Neuralynx file without the first line indicating a header or the time or date in the header. It is used to test header parsing. This corresponds to ephy_testing_data issue #115 and python-neo pull requests #1403 and #1404.
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