01-generate_stimuli.R 26 KB

  1. library(readr)
  2. library(dplyr)
  3. library(tidyr)
  4. library(purrr)
  5. library(forcats)
  6. library(ggplot2)
  7. library(stringi)
  8. library(LexOPS)
  9. library(ggExtra)
  10. library(gghalves)
  11. library(patchwork)
  12. library(overlapping)
  13. library(parallel)
  14. library(stringdist)
  15. n_cores <- 12
  16. # import stimuli data -----------------------------------------------------
  17. boss <- read_csv("boss.csv") %>%
  18. # lowercase words
  19. mutate(modal_name = stri_trans_tolower(modal_name)) %>%
  20. # percentages as numbers
  21. mutate_at(vars(dplyr::matches("perc")), function(x) as.numeric(sub("%", "", x))) %>%
  22. # no spaces
  23. filter(!grepl(" ", modal_name)) %>%
  24. # join to LexOPS
  25. full_join(lexops, by = c("modal_name" = "string")) %>%
  26. # make note of whether a picture's modal name
  27. mutate(is_pic = ifelse(is.na(filename), "no", "yes"))
  28. swow <- read_csv("swow_ppmi.csv")
  29. # useful functions for selecting stimuli ----------------------------------
  30. # function to calculate cosine similarity
  31. calc_cos <- function(a, b) {
  32. if (length(a) != length(b)) stop("Inconsistent vector lengths")
  33. sum(a * b) / sqrt(sum(a^2)*sum(b^2))
  34. }
  35. # function to calculate associative strength for SWOW
  36. assoc_str <- function(cues_a, cues_b, .swow = swow, print = FALSE, sim_measure = "R123.Strength") {
  37. if (length(cues_a) != length(cues_b)) stop("Inconsistent vector lengths")
  38. print_perc_vals <- seq(0, 100, by = 0.1)
  39. print_iters <- if (print) {
  40. lapply(1:length(cues_a), function(i) {
  41. perc_done <- (i / length(cues_a)) * 100
  42. if (round(perc_done, 1) %in% print_perc_vals) {
  43. print_perc_vals <<- print_perc_vals[print_perc_vals != round(perc_done, 1)]
  44. i
  45. } else {
  46. NULL
  47. }
  48. })
  49. } else {
  50. c()
  51. }
  52. sapply(1:length(cues_a), function(i) {
  53. cues_a_i <- as.character(cues_a[[i]])
  54. cues_b_i <- as.character(cues_b[[i]])
  55. if (identical(cues_a_i, cues_b_i)) {
  56. cos_i <- if (cues_a_i %in% .swow$cue) 1 else NA
  57. } else if (!all(c(cues_a_i, cues_b_i) %in% .swow$cue)) {
  58. cos_i <- NA
  59. } else {
  60. cues_neighbours <- .swow %>%
  61. dplyr::filter(cue %in% c(cues_a_i, cues_b_i)) %>%
  62. dplyr::mutate(cue = dplyr::case_when(
  63. cue == cues_a_i ~ "cue_a",
  64. cue == cues_b_i ~ "cue_b"
  65. )) %>%
  66. select(cue, response, !!dplyr::sym(sim_measure)) %>%
  67. tidyr::pivot_wider(names_from = cue, values_from = !!dplyr::sym(sim_measure), names_prefix = "p_") %>%
  68. #dplyr::filter(!is.na(p_cue_a), !is.na(p_cue_b))
  69. tidyr::replace_na(list(p_cue_a = 0, p_cue_b = 0))
  70. cos_i <- calc_cos(cues_neighbours$p_cue_a, cues_neighbours$p_cue_b)
  71. }
  72. if (print & i %in% print_iters) {
  73. perc_done <- i / length(cues_a) * 100
  74. cat(sprintf("%i/%i (%.1f%%), \"%s\" ~ \"%s\" = %s\n", i, length(cues_a), round(perc_done, 1), cues_a_i, cues_b_i, cos_i))
  75. }
  76. cos_i
  77. })
  78. }
  79. # assoc_str(c("cat", "cat", "cat"), c("cat", "teacher", "jungle"))
  80. # assoc_str(c("cat", "cat", "cat"), c("cat", "teacher", "jungle"), sim_measure = "ppmi")
  81. # function to get semantic similarity for swow (direct neighbours)
  82. cos_sim <- function(matches, target) {
  83. if (all(matches==target)) return(rep(1, length(matches)))
  84. assoc_str(rep(target, length(matches)), matches, sim_measure = "ppmi")
  85. }
  86. # cos_sim(c("cat", "teacher", "jungle", "dog"), "cat")
  87. # x <- cos_sim(sample(lexops$string, 5000), "cat")
  88. # function for maximising levenshtein distance, assuming that length is matched exactly
  89. # (returns value of 1 if maximum distance possible, otherwise 0)
  90. maximise_lev_dist <- function(xsource, targets) {
  91. dists <- stringdist(a=xsource, b=targets, method="lv")
  92. as.numeric(dists==nchar(xsource))
  93. }
  94. # LexOPS pipeline ---------------------------------------------------------
  95. stim_seed <- 1
  96. # words which are much more likely to be produced by Americans/Canadians
  97. americanisms <- c("squash", "airplane", "candy", "bison", "buffalo", "sidewalk", "camper", "motel", "checkers", "store", "soccer", "trash", "burner", "boardwalk", "automobile", "cellphone", "tombstone", "mailbox", "panties", "cab", "yogurt", "pants")
  98. # words which are inappropriate and distracting
  99. inappropriate <- c("piss", "penis", "sperm", "cannabis", "poop", "breast", "marijuana", "blowjob", "boob", "porn", "pussy", "bosom", "vagina", "muff", "breasts", "ass", "pee", "rump", "vulva")
  100. # words which are unimageable, or describe things whose images would be very different to those in the normed set (e.g. 'library', when there are no buildings in the set) or are not actually nouns
  101. unimageable <- c("siding", "cemetery", "polo", "woods", "bowel", "lobby", "bladder", "library", "zoo", "volcano", "apartments", "pasture", "peroxide", "temple", "weep", "sunrise", "storm", "mosque", "indigo", "bookshop", "pharmacy", "bakery", "orphanage", "sunset", "meadow", "venom", "brewery", "campus", "bulletin", "canal", "ranch", "salon", "yoga", "canteen", "livestock", "mammal", "casino", "subway", "skies", "vaccine", "placenta", "landfill", "jump", "snapshot", "vault", "badminton", "vessel", "troll", "surface", "parasite", "asylum", "sowing", "barefoot", "swimming", "arcade", "town", "shaft", "shore", "birth", "catcher", "waltz", "stomp", "spa", "animal", "cattle", "inch", "jungle", "attire", "postage", "poultry", "station", "pregnancy", "beach", "waist", "midget", "burp", "skyline", "workplace", "judo", "primate", "yawn", "trench", "bum", "injury", "shipment", "karaoke", "workshop", "chapel", "orchard", "runway", "saloon", "womb", "laughter", "cinema", "insulin", "chlorine", "stream", "movie", "chord", "piles", "rainy", "bacteria", "ravine", "beast", "motorway", "monsoon", "terrace", "woodwind", "jail", "retina", "planet", "wetland", "morphine", "cafe", "siren", "plantation", "sunlight", "meter", "print", "mucus", "sleet", "visa", "narcotics", "steroids", "urine", "blink", "appliance", "turquoise", "voice", "racing", "uterus", "chime", "slap", "nod", "pet", "bottom", "nudge", "army", "apartment", "village", "nightclub", "morgue", "kick", "city", "cellar", "outdoors", "squint", "booty", "lab", "street", "streets", "shock", "massacre", "item", "yard", "carnival", "structure", "prairie", "nudity", "shred", "nursery", "belch", "tint", "kilometer", "kilogram", "beep", "opera", "pageant", "swatter", "booze", "wiring", "vomit", "rodeo", "surf", "buffet", "bite", "chant", "swine", "mansion", "mill", "shack", "cabin", "alley", "lump", "ballot", "supper", "material", "lobe", "steel", "venison", "beef", "butt", "liquor", "pop", "office", "museum", "lookout", "port", "vitamin", "tee", "church", "labyrinth", "utensil")
  102. # words which describe people (no images of people in the normed set of images, only parts like 'hand')
  103. people <- c("tailor", "landlord", "waitress", "lifeguard", "parent", "swimmer", "cashier", "actor", "vendor", "bride", "broker", "salesman", "sailor", "pilot", "pirate", "redhead", "tutor", "runner", "brunette", "adult", "wizard", "chaps", "lawyer", "beekeeper", "priest", "kids", "uncle", "jockey", "surfer", "tenant", "violinist", "jury", "babysitter", "milkman", "astronaut", "beggar", "infant", "child", "robber", "baby", "talker", "tradesman", "lad", "magician", "plumber", "captain", "shooter", "nun", "prostitute", "pastor", "chauffeur", "rapper", "assassin", "bachelor", "stewardess", "visitor", "chairman", "chairwoman", "buyer", "sons", "banker", "veteran", "niece", "twins", "lady", "skater", "wrestler", "actress", "birth", "slave", "bomber", "boxer", "musician", "inmate", "worker", "kid", "carpenter", "physician", "blacksmith", "poet", "tribe", "shopper", "pilgrim", "ambassador", "chemist", "citizen", "male", "analyst", "chorus", "caveman", "butler", "brigade", "publisher", "roommate", "jogging", "mistress", "writer", "accountant", "mum", "attendant", "seaman", "monarch", "audience", "umpire", "brother", "typist", "scout", "assistant", "witch", "singer", "superhero", "troops", "pupil", "waiter", "troop", "pianist", "bodyguard", "biker", "choir", "surgeon", "men", "maid", "quarterback", "model", "officer", "mermaid", "teacher", "stepmother", "lecturer", "thief", "student", "reporter", "librarian", "nurse", "stylist", "realtor", "boy", "operator", "therapist", "platoon", "mother", "ladies", "men", "wife", "husband", "wives", "husbands", "nomad", "proprietor", "steward")
  104. # shortened words which may otherwise appear twice
  105. shortened <- c("rhino", "limo", "chimp", "scuba", "bike")
  106. # alternate versions of the same word, e.g. tomb and tombstone (plurals are okay, but this prevents repeating a word, e.g. 'spice' and 'spices')
  107. alternates <- c("spices", "tomb", "nostril", "needles", "chips", "levers", "motorbike", "peanuts", "trucks", "stairway", "meteor", "stair", "snails", "boots", "kitty", "piggy", "liqueur", "weed", "tummy", "ropes", "bumblebee")
  108. # words which I think have high concreteness because they are common misspellings of concrete words
  109. misspellings <- c("canon")
  110. # modal names for images clearly incorrectly named
  111. incorrects <- c("nut", "trumpet", "tuba", "spinach")
  112. # plural words (as all images are single objects)
  113. plurals <- c("sticks", "bees", "buttons", "strings", "ceramics", "tables", "arms", "molasses", "cereals", "mice", "brushes")
  114. # incongruent matches which have been excluded as they were possible descriptions for their image
  115. plausible <- c(
  116. "rubber", # was a match for "statue", which could also be a small rubber
  117. "buck", # was a match for a picture of a book (homophone)
  118. "marrow", # was a match for pickle
  119. "logo", # just about anything could be a logo
  120. "kit" # was a match for a baseball cap
  121. )
  122. stim <- boss %>%
  123. filter(
  124. (is_pic == "yes" & dupe_pref) | is_pic=="no",
  125. modal_name %in% swow$cue,
  126. PK.Brysbaert >= 0.9,
  127. PoS.SUBTLEX_UK == "noun",
  128. CNC.Brysbaert >= 4,
  129. !modal_name %in% c(americanisms, inappropriate, unimageable, people, shortened, alternates, misspellings, incorrects, plurals, plausible)
  130. ) %>%
  131. mutate(is_pic = as.factor(is_pic)) %>%
  132. rename(string = "modal_name") %>%
  133. split_by(is_pic, "yes" ~ "no") %>%
  134. # -0.5:0 (similarity of between 0.5 and 1) seems to give high similarity
  135. # -1:-0.99 (similarity of between 0 and 0.01) gives suitably dissimilar
  136. control_for_map(cos_sim, string, -1:-0.99, name = "cos_ppmi_sim") %>%
  137. control_for_map(maximise_lev_dist, string, 1:1, name = "max_lev_dist") %>%
  138. control_for(Length, 0:0) %>%
  139. control_for(CNC.Brysbaert, -0.25:0.25) %>%
  140. control_for(ON.OLD20, -0.75:0.75) %>%
  141. control_for(Zipf.SUBTLEX_UK, -0.125:0.125) %>%
  142. control_for(BG.SUBTLEX_UK, -0.0025:0.0025) %>%
  143. generate(200, seed = stim_seed)
  144. write_csv(stim, "stim.csv")
  145. stim_lev_dists <- stim %>%
  146. rowwise() %>%
  147. mutate(levenshtein_distance = stringdist(A1, A2, method="lv")) %>%
  148. ungroup() %>%
  149. select(item_nr, levenshtein_distance)
  150. stim_tidy <- stim %>%
  151. long_format("all") %>%
  152. rename(perc_name_agree = "perc_name_agree_denom_fq_inputs") %>%
  153. pivot_wider(id_cols = item_nr, names_from = condition, values_from = c(string, filename, perc_name_agree, Zipf.SUBTLEX_UK, Length, cos_ppmi_sim, CNC.Brysbaert, BG.SUBTLEX_UK, nb_diff_names, ON.OLD20)) %>%
  154. select(item_nr, string_A1, filename_A1, perc_name_agree_A1, string_A2, everything(), -filename_A2, -perc_name_agree_A2) %>%
  155. left_join(stim_lev_dists, by="item_nr")
  156. # optimise split for counterbalancing -------------------------------------
  157. message("Optimising counterbalance split")
  158. vars_to_match <- c("perc_name_agree_A1", "Zipf.SUBTLEX_UK_A1", "Zipf.SUBTLEX_UK_A2", "cos_ppmi_sim_A1", "cos_ppmi_sim_A2", "BG.SUBTLEX_UK_A1", "BG.SUBTLEX_UK_A2", "CNC.Brysbaert_A1", "CNC.Brysbaert_A2", "ON.OLD20_A1", "ON.OLD20_A2", "Length_A1", "Length_A2")
  159. # how many seeds to try
  160. max_seed <- 50000
  161. cl <- makeCluster(n_cores)
  162. cl_packages <- clusterEvalQ(cl, {library(dplyr); library(purrr); library(overlapping)})
  163. clusterExport(cl, c("stim_tidy", "vars_to_match"))
  164. dist_overlaps <- parLapply(cl, 1:max_seed, function(seed_i) {
  165. cat(sprintf("%s \r", seed_i))
  166. set.seed(seed_i)
  167. order_grp_vec <- sample(rep(c(1, 2), 100), 200, replace = FALSE)
  168. stim_seed_i <- mutate(stim_tidy, order_grp = order_grp_vec)
  169. tibble(
  170. seed_i = seed_i,
  171. var_j = vars_to_match,
  172. ov = map_dbl(vars_to_match, function(var_j) {
  173. var_grp_1 <- stim_seed_i %>%
  174. filter(order_grp == 1) %>%
  175. pull(var_j) %>%
  176. as.numeric()
  177. var_grp_2 <- stim_seed_i %>%
  178. filter(order_grp == 2) %>%
  179. pull(var_j) %>%
  180. as.numeric()
  181. ov <- overlapping::overlap(list(var_grp_1, var_grp_2))
  182. ov$OV %>%
  183. unname() %>%
  184. as.numeric()
  185. })
  186. )
  187. }) %>%
  188. reduce(bind_rows)
  189. stopCluster(cl)
  190. dist_overlaps_summ <- dist_overlaps %>%
  191. group_by(seed_i) %>%
  192. summarise(sum = sum(ov), median = median(ov), mean = mean(ov), sd = sd(ov), min = min(ov)) %>%
  193. arrange(desc(mean), sd)
  194. # apply the split ---------------------------------------------------------
  195. dist_overlaps_summ %>%
  196. pull(seed_i) %>%
  197. first() %>%
  198. set.seed()
  199. order_grp_vec <- sample(rep(c(1, 2), 100), 200, replace = FALSE)
  200. stim_tidy <- mutate(stim_tidy, order_grp = order_grp_vec)
  201. write_csv(stim_tidy, "stim_tidy.csv")
  202. stim_tidy_long <- stim %>%
  203. long_format("all") %>%
  204. arrange(item_nr) %>%
  205. mutate(
  206. filename = ifelse(is.na(filename), lag(filename), filename),
  207. cos_ppmi_sim_tidy = as.numeric(ifelse(cos_ppmi_sim=="1", NA, cos_ppmi_sim))
  208. ) %>%
  209. rename(perc_name_agree = "perc_name_agree_denom_fq_inputs") %>%
  210. # also store the order group
  211. full_join(select(stim_tidy, item_nr, order_grp), by = "item_nr")
  212. write_csv(stim_tidy_long, "stim_tidy_long.csv")
  213. # select practice trials --------------------------------------------------
  214. message("Selecting practice trials")
  215. prac_seed <- 111
  216. set.seed(prac_seed)
  217. A1_trials <- sample(1:20, 10)
  218. practice_stim <- boss %>%
  219. filter(
  220. (is_pic == "yes" & dupe_pref) | is_pic=="no",
  221. modal_name %in% swow$cue,
  222. PK.Brysbaert >= 0.9,
  223. PoS.SUBTLEX_UK == "noun",
  224. CNC.Brysbaert >= 4,
  225. !modal_name %in% c(americanisms, inappropriate, unimageable, people, shortened, alternates, misspellings, incorrects, plurals, plausible),
  226. !modal_name %in% stim_tidy_long$string
  227. ) %>%
  228. mutate(is_pic = as.factor(is_pic)) %>%
  229. rename(string = "modal_name") %>%
  230. split_by(is_pic, "yes" ~ "no") %>%
  231. # -0.5:0 (similarity of between 0.5 and 1) seems to give high similarity
  232. # -1:-0.999 (similarity of between 0 and 0.001) gives suitably disimilar
  233. control_for_map(cos_sim, string, -1:-0.99, name = "cos_ppmi_sim") %>%
  234. control_for_map(maximise_lev_dist, string, 1:1, name = "max_lev_dist") %>%
  235. control_for(Length, 0:0) %>%
  236. generate(20, seed = prac_seed)
  237. practice_stim_long <- practice_stim %>%
  238. long_format("all") %>%
  239. mutate(filename = ifelse(is.na(filename), lag(filename), filename)) %>%
  240. # randomly allocate half the items to congruent condition, and half to incongruent, and only keep the relevant trials
  241. filter( (condition=="A1" & item_nr %in% A1_trials) | (condition=="A2" & !item_nr %in% A1_trials) )
  242. # save the practice trials
  243. write_csv(practice_stim_long, "practice_stim.csv")
  244. # tidy picture-word stimuli figures ---------------------------------------
  245. itemwise_vars_for_dens <- c("Length", "Zipf.SUBTLEX_UK", "BG.SUBTLEX_UK", "CNC.Brysbaert", "ON.OLD20")
  246. distwise_vars_for_dens <- c("perc_name_agree", "cos_ppmi_sim_tidy")
  247. # plt_cols <- c("#007EFF", "#FF007E")
  248. plt_cols <- c("#E69F00", "#56B4E9")
  249. counterbalanced_grps_label <- c("Set 1", "Set 2")
  250. fontsize <- 12
  251. # Format data
  252. plt_stim_itemwise <- stim_tidy_long %>%
  253. mutate(condition = sub("-", "\n", condition, fixed=TRUE)) %>%
  254. pivot_longer(cols=all_of(itemwise_vars_for_dens), names_to="plt_variable", values_to="plt_value") %>%
  255. mutate(condition_j = as.numeric(factor(condition))) %>%
  256. rowwise() %>%
  257. # add horizontal jitter to points and lines
  258. mutate(., condition_j = ifelse(condition=="A1", condition_j + runif(1, 0.1, 0.15), condition_j + runif(1, -0.15, -0.1))) %>%
  259. # mutate(., condition_j = ifelse(condition=="A1", condition_j + 0.15, condition_j -0.15)) %>%
  260. ungroup() %>%
  261. mutate(
  262. condition = ifelse(condition=="A1", "Picture\nCongruent", "Picture\nIncongruent"),
  263. plt_variable = factor(plt_variable, levels = itemwise_vars_for_dens),
  264. plt_variable = fct_recode(
  265. plt_variable,
  266. `Length` = "Length",
  267. `Zipf Frequency` = "Zipf.SUBTLEX_UK",
  268. `Bigram Probability` = "BG.SUBTLEX_UK",
  269. `Concreteness` = "CNC.Brysbaert",
  270. `OLD20` = "ON.OLD20"
  271. )
  272. )
  273. itemwise_plt <- plt_stim_itemwise %>%
  274. ggplot(aes(condition, plt_value, colour=factor(order_grp), fill=factor(order_grp))) +
  275. geom_half_violin(data=filter(plt_stim_itemwise, condition=="Picture\nCongruent"), alpha=0.5, trim=FALSE, side="l", position=position_identity(), show.legend=FALSE) +
  276. geom_half_violin(data=filter(plt_stim_itemwise, condition=="Picture\nIncongruent"), alpha=0.5, trim=FALSE, side="r", position=position_identity(), show.legend=FALSE) +
  277. geom_point(aes(x=condition_j), alpha=0.75, shape=16, size=0.8) +
  278. geom_line(aes(x=condition_j, group=item_nr), alpha=0.3) +
  279. scale_fill_manual(name = "Stimulus Set", labels = counterbalanced_grps_label, values = plt_cols) +
  280. scale_colour_manual(name = "Stimulus Set", labels = counterbalanced_grps_label, values = plt_cols, guide = guide_legend(override.aes = list(alpha = 1, size=2, linewidth=1))) +
  281. scale_y_continuous(breaks = scales::pretty_breaks(5)) +
  282. facet_wrap(vars(plt_variable), scales="free_y") +
  283. labs(
  284. x = "\nCongruency Condition\n",
  285. y = "Value",
  286. tag = "a"
  287. ) +
  288. theme_classic() +
  289. theme(
  290. legend.position = c(0.85, 0.15),
  291. text = element_text(size=fontsize),
  292. # plot.title = element_text(hjust=-0.1),
  293. strip.background = element_blank(),
  294. legend.margin = margin(),
  295. plot.margin = margin(3,3,3,8, unit="pt")
  296. )
  297. plt_stim_distwise <- stim_tidy_long %>%
  298. mutate(condition = sub("-", "\n", condition, fixed=TRUE)) %>%
  299. pivot_longer(cols=all_of(distwise_vars_for_dens), names_to="plt_variable", values_to="plt_value") %>%
  300. mutate(
  301. plt_variable = factor(plt_variable, levels = distwise_vars_for_dens),
  302. plt_variable = fct_recode(
  303. plt_variable,
  304. `Percentage of Name Agreement` = "perc_name_agree",
  305. `Cosine PPMI Semantic Similarity` = "cos_ppmi_sim_tidy"
  306. ),
  307. plt_variable = fct_rev(plt_variable)
  308. )
  309. custom_breaks <- function(x) { if (max(x) < 0.01) pretty(x, 3) else pretty(x, 5) }
  310. distwise_plt <- plt_stim_distwise %>%
  311. ggplot(aes(plt_value, colour=factor(order_grp), fill=factor(order_grp))) +
  312. geom_density(alpha=0.5, show.legend = FALSE) +
  313. facet_wrap(vars(plt_variable), scales="free") +
  314. labs(
  315. x = "Value",
  316. y = "Density",
  317. tag = "b"
  318. ) +
  319. scale_fill_manual(name = "Stimulus Set", labels = counterbalanced_grps_label, values = plt_cols) +
  320. scale_colour_manual(name = "Stimulus Set", labels = counterbalanced_grps_label, values = plt_cols) +
  321. scale_x_continuous(breaks = custom_breaks) +
  322. scale_y_continuous(breaks = scales::pretty_breaks(3)) +
  323. theme_classic() +
  324. theme(
  325. legend.position = "none",
  326. text = element_text(size=fontsize),
  327. # plot.title = element_text(hjust=-0.1),
  328. strip.background = element_blank(),
  329. legend.margin = margin(),
  330. plot.margin = margin(3,3,3,8, unit="pt")
  331. )
  332. stim_summ <- (itemwise_plt / distwise_plt) +
  333. plot_layout(
  334. heights = c(5.5, 1), widths = 6.5,
  335. guides = "keep"
  336. )
  337. ggsave(file.path("fig", "stimuli_summary.png"), stim_summ, height=5.5, width=6.5, device="png", type="cairo")
  338. ggsave(file.path("fig", "stimuli_summary.pdf"), stim_summ, height=5.5, width=6.5, device="pdf")
  339. # select localiser stimuli ------------------------------------------------
  340. message("Selecting localiser stimuli")
  341. # misspelt words in the prevalence norms
  342. prev_misspellings <- c("yogurt")
  343. # words which might not be technically words
  344. nonwords <- c("yippee")
  345. max_seed <- 500000
  346. set.seed(stim_seed)
  347. loc_seeds <- sample(1:2147483647, max_seed, replace=FALSE)
  348. match_vars <- c("Zipf.SUBTLEX_UK", "PREV.Brysbaert", "CNC.Brysbaert", "AoA.Kuperman", "VAL.Warriner", "AROU.Warriner", "DOM.Warriner", "ON.OLD20", "BG.SUBTLEX_UK", "Length", "RT.BLP", "Accuracy.BLP")
  349. loc_stim_pool <- lexops %>%
  350. filter(
  351. PK.Brysbaert >= 0.9,
  352. !is.na(Zipf.SUBTLEX_UK),
  353. !string %in% c(prev_misspellings, nonwords),
  354. ) %>%
  355. mutate(PoS.SUBTLEX_UK = as.character(PoS.SUBTLEX_UK)) %>%
  356. select(string, all_of(match_vars), PoS.SUBTLEX_UK)
  357. pos_cats <- unique(loc_stim_pool$PoS.SUBTLEX_UK)
  358. pos_match_vars <- sapply(pos_cats, function(x) sprintf("pos_%s", x))
  359. pos_dum_vals <- map_dfc(pos_cats, function(x) {
  360. as.numeric(loc_stim_pool$PoS.SUBTLEX_UK == x)
  361. }) %>%
  362. set_names(pos_match_vars)
  363. loc_stim_pool <- bind_cols(loc_stim_pool, pos_dum_vals)
  364. cl <- makeCluster(n_cores)
  365. cl_packages <- clusterEvalQ(cl, {library(dplyr); library(purrr); library(overlapping)})
  366. clusterExport(cl, c("loc_stim_pool", "match_vars", "pos_match_vars", "stim_tidy_long", "practice_stim_long", "loc_seeds"))
  367. loc_seeds_res <- parLapply(cl, 1:max_seed, function(seed_i) {
  368. set.seed(loc_seeds[seed_i])
  369. loc_stim_i <- loc_stim_pool %>%
  370. filter(
  371. !string %in% stim_tidy_long$string,
  372. !string %in% practice_stim_long$string
  373. ) %>%
  374. slice_sample(n = 100)
  375. ov_numeric <- map_dbl(match_vars, function(var_j) {
  376. pool_vals <- loc_stim_pool[[var_j]][!is.na(loc_stim_pool[[var_j]])]
  377. sample_vals <- loc_stim_i[[var_j]][!is.na(loc_stim_i[[var_j]])]
  378. ov <- overlapping::overlap(list(pool_vals, sample_vals))
  379. ov$OV %>%
  380. unname() %>%
  381. as.numeric()
  382. })
  383. ov_pos <- map_dbl(pos_match_vars, function(var_j) {
  384. pool_vals <- loc_stim_pool[[var_j]][!is.na(loc_stim_pool[[var_j]])]
  385. sample_vals <- loc_stim_i[[var_j]][!is.na(loc_stim_i[[var_j]])]
  386. ov <- overlapping::overlap(list(pool_vals, sample_vals))
  387. ov$OV %>%
  388. unname() %>%
  389. as.numeric()
  390. })
  391. bind_rows(
  392. tibble(
  393. seed = loc_seeds[seed_i],
  394. ov = ov_numeric,
  395. vars = match_vars,
  396. weight = 1
  397. ),
  398. tibble(
  399. seed = loc_seeds[seed_i],
  400. ov = ov_pos,
  401. vars = pos_match_vars,
  402. weight = 1/8
  403. )
  404. ) %>%
  405. mutate(
  406. weight = case_when(
  407. vars == "Length" ~ 3,
  408. vars == "Zipf.SUBTLEX_UK" ~ 2,
  409. TRUE ~ weight
  410. ),
  411. ov_w = ov * weight
  412. ) %>%
  413. group_by(seed) %>%
  414. summarise(ov_sum = sum(ov_w))
  415. }) %>%
  416. reduce(bind_rows)
  417. stopCluster(cl)
  418. best_seed <- loc_seeds_res %>%
  419. arrange(desc(ov_sum)) %>%
  420. top_n(1) %>%
  421. pull(seed)
  422. # recreate the best stimulus set
  423. set.seed(best_seed)
  424. loc_stim <- loc_stim_pool %>%
  425. filter(
  426. !string %in% stim_tidy_long$string,
  427. !string %in% practice_stim_long$string
  428. ) %>%
  429. slice_sample(n = 100)
  430. loc_stim_tidy <- loc_stim %>%
  431. rename(word=string) %>%
  432. mutate(
  433. item_nr = row_number()
  434. ) %>%
  435. select(item_nr, everything())
  436. write_csv(loc_stim, "localiser_stim.csv")
  437. # plot the distributions for localiser stim -------------------------------
  438. repres_cols <- c("#696867", "#5ba7d6")
  439. dens_pl <- bind_rows(
  440. mutate(loc_stim, type="Sample"),
  441. mutate(loc_stim_pool, type="Population")
  442. ) %>%
  443. pivot_longer(cols=c(match_vars[match_vars!="Length"]), names_to="var", values_to="value") %>%
  444. mutate(var_tidy = recode(
  445. var,
  446. Zipf.SUBTLEX_UK = "Zipf Frequency",
  447. BG.SUBTLEX_UK = "Bigram Probability",
  448. CNC.Brysbaert = "Concreteness",
  449. ON.OLD20 = "OLD20",
  450. VAL.Warriner = "Valence",
  451. AROU.Warriner = "Arousal",
  452. DOM.Warriner = "Dominance",
  453. AoA.Kuperman = "Age of Acquisition",
  454. PREV.Brysbaert = "Prevalence",
  455. RT.BLP = "Lexical Decision RT",
  456. Accuracy.BLP = "Lexical Decision Accuracy"
  457. )) %>%
  458. mutate(var_tidy = factor(var_tidy, levels=sort(unique(var_tidy)))) %>%
  459. ggplot(aes(value, fill=type, alpha=type)) +
  460. geom_density() +
  461. facet_wrap(vars(var_tidy), scales="free", nrow=4) +
  462. labs(
  463. x = "Value",
  464. y = "Density",
  465. tag = "a",
  466. fill = NULL
  467. ) +
  468. scale_fill_manual(values=repres_cols) +
  469. scale_alpha_manual(values=c(1, 0.5), guide=FALSE) +
  470. scale_x_continuous(guide = guide_axis(check.overlap = TRUE)) +
  471. theme_classic() +
  472. theme(
  473. legend.position = c(0.85, 0.1),
  474. axis.text.y=element_blank(),
  475. axis.ticks.y=element_blank(),
  476. strip.background = element_blank(),
  477. legend.margin = margin(),
  478. plot.margin = margin(3,3,3,3, unit="pt")
  479. )
  480. dat_length <- bind_rows(
  481. mutate(loc_stim, type="Sample"),
  482. mutate(loc_stim_pool, type="Population")
  483. ) %>%
  484. mutate(var="Length", value=as.numeric(Length))
  485. dat_pos <- bind_rows(
  486. loc_stim %>% mutate(type="Sample", max_n=nrow(.)),
  487. loc_stim_pool %>% mutate(type="Population", max_n=nrow(.))
  488. ) %>%
  489. mutate(var="Part of Speech", value=PoS.SUBTLEX_UK) %>%
  490. group_by(type, value, var) %>%
  491. summarise(prop = n()/max_n) %>%
  492. distinct() %>%
  493. filter(value %in% loc_stim$PoS.SUBTLEX_UK)
  494. length_pl <- dat_length %>%
  495. ggplot(aes(value)) +
  496. geom_histogram(aes(y = after_stat(count / sum(count))), position = "identity", binwidth=1, fill=repres_cols[[1]], alpha=1, data=filter(dat_length, type=="Population")) +
  497. geom_histogram(aes(y = after_stat(count / sum(count))), position = "identity", binwidth=1, fill=repres_cols[[2]], alpha=0.5, data=filter(dat_length, type=="Sample")) +
  498. facet_wrap(vars(var), scales="free") +
  499. labs(
  500. x = "",
  501. y = "Proportion",
  502. tag = "b"
  503. ) +
  504. theme_classic() +
  505. theme(
  506. legend.position = "none",
  507. legend.margin = margin(),
  508. plot.margin = margin(3,3,3,3, unit="pt"),
  509. strip.background = element_blank()
  510. )
  511. pos_pl <- dat_pos %>%
  512. ggplot(aes(value, prop)) +
  513. geom_col(position = "identity", fill=repres_cols[[1]], alpha=1, data=filter(dat_pos, type=="Population")) +
  514. geom_col(position = "identity", fill=repres_cols[[2]], alpha=0.5, data=filter(dat_pos, type=="Sample")) +
  515. facet_wrap(vars(var), scales="free") +
  516. labs(
  517. x = "",
  518. y = NULL
  519. ) +
  520. theme_classic() +
  521. theme(
  522. legend.position = "none",
  523. legend.margin = margin(),
  524. plot.margin = margin(3,3,3,3, unit="pt"),
  525. strip.background = element_blank()
  526. )
  527. # loc_stim_summ <- (dens_pl / (length_pl | pos_pl + xlab("Value") + theme(axis.title.x = element_text(hjust=-0.175)))) +
  528. # plot_layout(heights = c(5.8, 1.2), widths = c(6.5, 2.5, 4))
  529. loc_stim_summ <- dens_pl + length_pl + (pos_pl + xlab("Value") + theme(axis.title.x = element_text(hjust=0.18))) +
  530. plot_layout(
  531. heights = c(6, 1, 1),
  532. design = "
  535. )
  536. # loc_stim_summ
  537. ggsave(file.path("fig", "localiser_stimuli_summary.png"), loc_stim_summ, height=5.5, width=6.5, device="png", type="cairo")
  538. ggsave(file.path("fig", "localiser_stimuli_summary.pdf"), loc_stim_summ, height=5.5, width=6.5, device="pdf")
  539. message("Stimuli done!")