home.tmpl 2.2 KB

  1. {{template "base/head" .}}
  2. <div class="home">
  3. <div class="ui stackable middle very relaxed page grid">
  4. <div class="sixteen wide center aligned centered column">
  5. <div class="logo">
  6. <img src="{{AppSubURL}}/img/favicon.png" />
  7. </div>
  8. <div class="hero">
  9. <h1 class="ui icon header title">
  10. GIN
  11. </h1>
  12. <h2>Modern Research Data Management for Neuroscience</h2>
  13. <div class="ginsubtitle">...distributed version control, flavoured for science</div>
  14. </div>
  15. </div>
  16. </div>
  17. <div class="ui stackable middle very relaxed page grid">
  18. <div class="eight wide center column">
  19. <h1 class="hero ui icon header">
  20. <i class="octicon octicon-device-desktop"></i> Manage your research data
  21. </h1>
  22. <p class="large">
  23. Upload your data to private repositories.<br>
  24. Synchronise across devices.<br>
  25. Securely access your data from anywhere.
  26. </p>
  27. </div>
  28. <div class="eight wide center column">
  29. <h1 class="hero ui icon header">
  30. <i class="octicon octicon-mortar-board"></i> Share your data
  31. </h1>
  32. <p class="large">
  33. Collaborate with colleagues.<br>
  34. Make your data public.<br>
  35. Make your data citable with the GIN DOI service.
  36. </p>
  37. </div>
  38. </div>
  39. <div class="ui stackable middle very relaxed page grid">
  40. <div class="eight wide center column">
  41. <h1 class="hero ui icon header">
  42. <i class="octicon octicon-list-ordered"></i> Version your data
  43. </h1>
  44. <p class="large">
  45. Uploaded files are automatically versioned.<br>
  46. Retrieve any previously uploaded version of a file.<br>
  47. Never lose file history.
  48. </p>
  49. </div>
  50. <div class="eight wide center column">
  51. <h1 class="hero ui icon header">
  52. <i class="octicon octicon-code"></i> Open Source
  53. </h1>
  54. <p class="large">
  55. Based on open source projects such as <a href="https://git-scm.com/">Git</a>,
  56. <a href="https://git-annex.branchable.com/">git-annex</a>, and <a href="https://github.com/gogits/gogs">Gogs</a>.
  57. You can even set it up in your lab!
  58. </p>
  59. </div>
  60. <div class="sixteen wide center aligned centered column">
  61. <h1 class="hero ui icon header">
  62. <a href="/Service/Info/wiki">I want to know more!</a>
  63. </h1>
  64. </div>
  65. </div>
  66. </div>
  67. {{template "base/footer" .}}