#16 can one use goodtables.io and others

5 anos atrás foi aberto por jcolomb · 1 comentários

continuous integration is a big plus for GitHub, can it be used here too?

continuous integration is a big plus for GitHub, can it be used here too?
Achilleas Koutsou comentado 5 anos atrás

CI integration is something we've been considering for a while now and we are expecting to have in the near future. There is currently an open proposal for a Google Summer of Code project to offer our own CI service.

CI integration is something we've been considering for a while now and we are expecting to have in the near future. There is currently an [open proposal]( https://neurostars.org/t/gsoc-project-idea-8-1-continuous-integration-for-research-data/3244) for a Google Summer of Code project to offer our own CI service.
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