# Meeting outputs ## Intro Scheduled 2019-09-09, 15h. meeting started 15h15: JC humbly ask you to accept his apologies. ## Sdash demonstration While the usability is not yet there, all the needed functions seem to be working well (login, figure upload, smartfigure download extra metadata entry, "project" page) We discussed a better view of the "project" part, as it should be the most important view, since the project focus on result distribution inside the consortium. One option is to make the project (we would call SFB1315 or Larkumlab) view the default when one browse to the page. One would need to login to see non-published figures (or to access the RG), and get an "add figure" button directly on that page. Eventually, a button would link to the personal view, with figures that were not yet shared. ## Next steps Bid deadline: 2019-11-07, SFB retreat. We will be given one hour. We will use the time of the 25th to talk about the design a bit more and organise the workshop at the retreat. (Julien will set up a list of topics to discuss). October first should the larkum lab test phase start. --- --- #Vorbereitung (not used) ## 1. Socialising ## 2. Update project - shiny app: - working, leightweight, save .zip on dropbox, no xml implementation, based on a .rds file to access data, no installation needed - putative server version: no problem - Problem of css in iframe: will never look perfect. - working on a different version: instead of the website inside the shiny app, get the shiny app inside the website. ## 3. Wishes - 2 software, same data: proof of interoperability! - xml standard ready -> complete integration in both tools. - time plan of source data - data visualisation plan ## 4. Paper, collaboration Ideas and time plan: deadline is June 2021. ## 5. Visit in Heidelberg 25 september? (I am in switzerland that week end)