Here we provide the code that was used for the analysis of the open source *studyforrest* data set. ## DATA SET The data set can be downloaded from [here]( After the data set has been downloaded we can preprocess the functional data and automatically detect eye movements. NOTE: the data set structure has changed since it was originally published and it might be required to change some paths in the preprocessing pipeline. The preprocessing can be performed with PreprocessRegex Matlab function. ex. ``` PreprocessRegex('/tmp/studyforrest/sub-*/') ``` For the eye movement detection we use the *sp_tool* which is available [here]( Because the *sp_tool* uses the ARFF file format as input we converted the eye tracking data to the ARFF format with the *Studyforrest2ArffRegex.m* function. After conversion we called the *sp_tool* with the provided *default_parameters_studyforrest.conf.json* configuration file as follows: ``` ./ --config-file default_parameters_studyforrest.conf.json ``` NOTE: some paths in the configuration file have to be changed in order to point to the correct directories. The steps for the conversion of the gaze files and the detection of the eye movements can be omitted because we provide them in this repository. Finally in this repository we provide the mean motion of each frame of the studyforrest videos as computed from the *EpicFlow* algorithm in the *frame_motion* directory. ## fMRI ANALYSIS For the fMRI analysis we have two directories (*sp_saccade_analysis, sp_saccade_motion_analysis*) where we have different number of regressors modelling the respective aspects of the experiment. NOTE: before progressing further with the analysis you should download some Matlab utilities that handle ARFF files from [here]( and add them to your Matlab search path with the *pathtool* or *addpath* commands. In order to run the analysis we start by computing the regressors of the 1st level GLM by running the *ComputeRegressorsAll.m* Matlab function. The call to this function should work straight out of the box without any tweaking. Then we call the bash script ** after changing the used paths in order to point to the correct directories. Basically the script goes through the subdirectories that exist for each subject and runs the 1st level analysis independently for each subject. Then we call the ** script, after changing the paths to point to the correct directories, which computes the contrasts of interest. Finally in the 2nd level analysis we computed the mean group effect by using a simple t-test across all subjects excluding subjects 05 and 20 due to substantial losses in eye tracking samples. ## OPTIC FLOW EXTRACTION For optic flow extraction we used the Minors of the Structure Tensor [1] and the EpicFlow [2] algorithms. The earlier returns the flow in AVI formatted videos and it does not have a open-source implementation. Therefore we provide its output in the *minors_flow* folder. The latter is open source and it can be downloaded from [here]( Because EpicFlow reports 2 float values for each pixel, the resulting files for the studyforrest data set were disproportionately large (155GB). For this reason we provide the script that we used (**), which can be run directly from the directory where the EpicFlow and its dependencies were installed/extracted. ## REFERENCES [1] Barth, E. (2000). The minors of the structure tensor. In Mustererkennung 2000 (pp. 221-228). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. [2] Revaud, J., Weinzaepfel, P., Harchaoui, Z., & Schmid, C. (2015). Epicflow: Edge-preserving interpolation of correspondences for optical flow. In Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern recognition (pp. 1164-1172).