% GetNomAttValue.m % % This function returns the value of a nominal attribute in its correct form without % spaces. % % input: % attDatatype - the part that describes the attribute after its name % % output: % attValue - nominal attribute in its correct form function [attValue] = GetNomAttValue(attDatatype) openCurl = strfind(attDatatype, '{'); closeCurl = strfind(attDatatype, '}'); if (isempty(openCurl) && isempty(closeCurl)) isNom = false; nominalMap = containers.Map; numericMap = containers.Map; return; end assert(length(openCurl) == 1, ['Invalid attribute datatype ' attDatatype]); assert(length(closeCurl) == 1, ['Invalid attribute datatype ' attDatatype]); attValue = attDatatype(openCurl:closeCurl); % remove spaces from nominal attValue = attValue(~isspace(attValue)); end