// ArffUtil.h #ifndef __ARFFUTIL_H__ #define __ARFFUTIL_H__ #include "Arff.h" class ArffUtil { public: static unsigned long int FindPosition(const Arff *pArff, const int &attIndex, const double &value); ///< This function searches in a sorted column of the ARFF class and returns ///< the position of the first element that is bigger than the provided value. static bool GetTXYCindex(const Arff *pArff, int &timeInd, int &xInd, int &yInd, int &confInd); ///< This is a helper function to get time, x, y, confidence indices in ARFF data. static double GetSamplingPeriod(const Arff *pArff); ///< This function returns the mean sampling period of the provided ARFF file. }; #endif /*__ARFFUTIL_H__*/