from load_website_data import load_icl import numpy as np try: from import savemat except ImportError: pass from crowd_labeling import CLLDA, concurrent_cllda, combine_cllda from crowd_labeling.MV import MV import cPickle as pkl import json from os.path import join, isfile, isdir import argparse from copy import deepcopy import sys # parse input arguments print('parsing arguments') parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Run or update CL estimates.') parser.add_argument('database', type=str, help='Absolute reference to the sqlite database file.') parser.add_argument('save', type=str, help='Directory in which to save results.') parser.add_argument('-classifications', type=str, help='Directory in which to save results for website viewing.', default=None) args = parser.parse_args() database = args.database path = classifications_path = args.classifications assert isfile(database), 'database path does not exist' assert isdir(path), 'save path does not exist' assert isdir(classifications_path), 'classifications path does not exist' # load sqlite data print('loading database') icl_votes = load_icl(database) votes = icl_votes['votes'] workers = icl_votes['workers'] instances = icl_votes['instances'] instance_set_numbers = icl_votes['instance_set_numbers'] instance_ic_numbers = icl_votes['instance_ic_numbers'] vote_ids = np.array(['Brain', 'Muscle', 'Eye', 'Heart', 'Line Noise', 'Chan Noise', 'Other', '?']) instance_ids = icl_votes['instance_ids'] worker_ids = icl_votes['worker_ids'] T = icl_votes['n_classes'] C = icl_votes['n_responses'] A = icl_votes['n_workers'] is_expert = (icl_votes['is_expert']).astype(bool) # type = np.ndarray # append identifier to string def add_identifier(string, identifier): return '_'.join((x for x in (string, identifier) if x is not None)) # run cllda def run_cllda(save_path, vts, wks, its, vt_ids=None, it_ids=None, wk_ids=None, it_priors=None, wk_priors=None, it_set_numbers=None, it_ic_numbers=None, identifier=None): if isfile(join(save_path, add_identifier('icl_cllda_models', identifier) + '.pkl')): # load for python with open(join(save_path, add_identifier('icl_cllda_models', identifier) + '.pkl'), 'rb') as f: cls = pkl.load(f) # update CLLDA with all transforms cls = concurrent_cllda(cls, vts, wks, its, nprocs=4, vote_ids=vt_ids, instance_ids=it_ids, worker_ids=wk_ids, worker_prior=wk_priors, num_epochs=800, burn_in=0) else: # CLLDA with all transforms cls = concurrent_cllda(4, vts, wks, its, nprocs=4, vote_ids=vt_ids, instance_ids=it_ids, worker_ids=wk_ids, worker_prior=wk_priors, instance_prior=it_priors, transform=('none', 'ilr', 'clr', 'alr'), num_epochs=1000, burn_in=200) # save individual models for python with open(join(save_path, add_identifier('icl_cllda_models', identifier) + '.pkl'), 'wb') as f: pkl.dump(cls, f) # combine models cl = combine_cllda(cls) # aggregate data return { 'instance_ids': cl.instance_ids, 'worker_ids': cl.worker_ids, 'vote_ids': cl.vote_ids, 'instance_set_numbers': it_set_numbers.astype(int), 'instance_ic_numbers': it_ic_numbers.astype(int), 'transform': cl.transform, 'labels': cl.labels, 'labels_cov': cl.labels_cov, 'worker_mats': cl.worker_mats, } # save results in 3 different formats def save_results(save_path, data, identifier=None): # save combined model for php print('saving for php') json_data = deepcopy(data) for key, val in json_data.iteritems(): if isinstance(val, np.ndarray): json_data[key] = val.tolist() elif isinstance(val, list): for it, item in enumerate(val): if isinstance(item, np.ndarray): val[it] = item.tolist() json_data[key] = val with open(join(save_path, add_identifier('ICLabels', identifier) + '.json'), 'wb') as f: json.dump(json_data, f) # save combined model for python print('saving for python') with open(join(save_path, add_identifier('ICLabels', identifier) + '.pkl'), 'wb') as f: pkl.dump(data, f) # save combined model for matlab if 'savemat' in sys.modules: print('saving for matlab') for key, val in data.iteritems(): if not isinstance(val, np.ndarray): try: val = np.array(val) except ValueError: data[key] = np.empty(len(val), dtype=np.object) for it, item in enumerate(val): data[key][it] = item continue if not np.issubdtype(val.dtype, np.number): data[key] = val.astype(np.object) savemat(join(save_path, add_identifier('ICLabels', identifier) + '.mat'), data) # optionally save classifications for website viewing if isdir(classifications_path) and all((x in data.keys() for x in ('labels', 'vote_ids', 'instance_set_numbers', 'instance_ic_numbers'))): path_str = join(classifications_path, add_identifier('website', identifier) + '_icl_') with open(path_str + 'index.json', 'w') as f: json.dump(zip(json_data['instance_set_numbers'], json_data['instance_ic_numbers']), f) with open(path_str + 'classifications.json', 'w') as f: try: json.dump(json_data['labels'][np.where(np.array(data['transform']) == 'none')[0][0]], f) except KeyError: json.dump(json_data['labels'], f) with open(path_str + 'classes.json', 'w') as f: json.dump(json_data['vote_ids'][:-1], f) # CLLDA settings n_pseudovotes_e = 100 n_pseudovotes_u = 1 expert_prior = n_pseudovotes_e * (np.hstack((np.eye(T), np.zeros((T, 1))))) + 0.01 user_prior = n_pseudovotes_u * (np.hstack((np.eye(T), np.zeros((T, 1))))) + 0.01 all_priors = np.zeros((A, T, C)) all_priors[is_expert.astype(np.bool), :, :] = np.tile(expert_prior[np.newaxis], [is_expert.sum(), 1, 1]) all_priors[np.logical_not(is_expert), :, :] = np.tile(user_prior[np.newaxis], [np.logical_not(is_expert).sum(), 1, 1]) instance_prior = np.histogram(votes, range(C))[0] / 100. / np.histogram(votes, range(C))[0].sum() # run and save CLLDA with experts tag = 'expert' print('Running CLLDA_' + tag + '...') out = run_cllda(path, votes, workers, instances, vote_ids, instance_ids, worker_ids, instance_prior, all_priors, instance_set_numbers, instance_ic_numbers, tag) print('Saved individual CLLDA_' + tag + ' models') print('Saving combined results...') save_results(path, out, tag) print('Saved combined results') # run CLLDA without experts tag = 'noexpert' print('Running CLLDA_' + tag + '...') out = run_cllda(path, votes, workers, instances, vote_ids, instance_ids, worker_ids, instance_prior, user_prior, instance_set_numbers, instance_ic_numbers, tag) print('Saved individual CLLDA_' + tag + ' models') print('Saving combined results...') save_results(path, out, tag) print('Saved combined results') # run and save with only luca # remove non-luca votes worker_ids_lu = worker_ids[0] luca_ind = np.in1d(workers, (0,)) votes_lu = votes[luca_ind] workers_lu = workers[luca_ind] instances_lu = instances[luca_ind] # remove instances with votes that are unsure keep_index = np.logical_not(np.in1d(instances_lu, np.unique(instances_lu[votes_lu == 7]))) votes_lu = votes_lu[keep_index] workers_lu = workers_lu[keep_index] instances_lu = instances_lu[keep_index] instance_ids_lu = instance_ids[np.unique(instances_lu)] # reset instance numbering instance_set_numbers_lu = np.array(instance_set_numbers)[np.unique(instances_lu)] instance_ic_numbers_lu = np.array(instance_ic_numbers)[np.unique(instances_lu)] instances_lu = np.array([{x: y for x, y in zip(np.unique(instances_lu), np.arange(np.unique(instances_lu).size))}[z] for z in instances_lu]) # run MV cl = MV(votes_lu, workers_lu, instances_lu) # save results save_results(path, { 'instance_ids': instance_ids_lu, 'worker_ids': worker_ids_lu, 'vote_ids': vote_ids, 'instance_set_numbers': instance_set_numbers_lu, 'instance_ic_numbers': instance_ic_numbers_lu, 'labels': cl.labels, }, 'onlyluca')