import numpy as np try: from scipy.stats import mode except ImportError: def mode(a, axis=0): scores = np.unique(np.ravel(a)) # get ALL unique values testshape = list(a.shape) testshape[axis] = 1 oldmostfreq = np.zeros(testshape) oldcounts = np.zeros(testshape) for score in scores: template = (a == score) counts = np.expand_dims(np.sum(template, axis), axis) mostfrequent = np.where(counts > oldcounts, score, oldmostfreq) oldcounts = np.maximum(counts, oldcounts) oldmostfreq = mostfrequent return mostfrequent, oldcounts import multiprocessing as mp from time import time from copy import deepcopy from crowd_labeling.logratio_transformations import \ centered_log_ratio_transform as clr, \ isometric_log_ratio_transform as ilr, \ additive_log_ratio_transform as alr, \ make_projection_matrix as mpm class CLLDA: """ The :class: CLLDA is a python implementation of Crowd Labeling Latent Dirichlet Allocation. This algorithm processes crowd labeling (aka crowd consensus) data where workers label instances as pertaining to one or more classes. Allows for calculating resulting label estimates and covariances in multiple log-ratio transformed spaces. """ def __init__(self, votes, workers, instances, vote_ids=None, worker_ids=None, instance_ids=None, worker_prior=None, instance_prior=None, transform=None, num_epochs=1000, burn_in=200, updateable=True, save_samples=False, seed=None): """ Initializes settings for the model and automatically calls the inference function. :param votes: List of vote values. :param workers: List of uses who submitted :param votes. :param instances: List of instances to which the :param votes pertain. :param vote_ids: (optional) List of vote ids. If provided, :param votes should be a list of integers. :param instance_ids: (optional) List of instance ids. If provided, :param instances should be a list of integers. :param worker_ids: (optional) List of worker ids. If provided, :param workers should be a list of integers. :param worker_prior: (optional) Matrix prior for worker skill (pseudovotes). :param instance_prior: (optional) List of class priors (pseudovotes) :param transform: log-ratio transform to use. :param num_epochs: number of epochs to run for. :param burn_in: number of epochs to ignore for convergence of the Gibbs chain. :param updateable: If True, will save vote-classes between runs at the expense of memory. :param save_samples: option to save vote-classes after each epoch (very memory intensive). :param seed: seed for the random number generator if reproducibility is desired. """ # set random seed if seed is None: seed = np.random.randint(int(1e8)) self.rng = np.random.RandomState(seed=seed) # data info and priors self.V = len(votes) self.U = len(np.unique(workers)) self.I = len(np.unique(instances)) if worker_prior is not None: self.worker_prior = np.array(worker_prior) if self.worker_prior.ndim == 2: self.worker_prior = np.tile(self.worker_prior[np.newaxis, :, :], [self.U, 1, 1]) self.C = self.worker_prior.shape[1] self.R = self.worker_prior.shape[2] else: if vote_ids is not None: self.C = len(vote_ids) self.R = self.C else: self.R = len(np.unique(votes)) self.C = self.R self.worker_prior = (np.eye(self.R) + np.ones((self.R, self.R)) / self.R) * 3 self.worker_prior = np.tile(self.worker_prior[np.newaxis, :, :], [self.U, 1, 1]) if instance_prior is None: self.instance_prior = np.ones(self.C) / self.C / 4 else: self.instance_prior = instance_prior # determine vote IDs if vote_ids is None: self.vote_ids = np.unique(votes) vote_dict = {y: x for x, y in enumerate(self.vote_ids)} votes = np.array([vote_dict[x] for x in votes]) else: self.vote_ids = vote_ids # determine instance IDs if instance_ids is None: self.instance_ids = np.unique(instances) instance_dict = {y: x for x, y in enumerate(self.instance_ids)} instances = np.array([instance_dict[x] for x in instances]) else: self.instance_ids = instance_ids # determine worker IDs if worker_ids is None: self.worker_ids = np.unique(workers) worker_dict = {y: x for x, y in enumerate(self.worker_ids)} workers = np.array([worker_dict[x] for x in workers]) else: self.worker_ids = worker_ids # cl_transform info if not isinstance(transform, str) and hasattr(transform, '__iter__'): self.transform = tuple(transform) else: self.transform = (transform,) # Gibbs sampling parameters self.num_epochs = num_epochs self.burn_in = burn_in self.num_samples = num_epochs - burn_in # info to save self.LL = np.nan * np.ones(self.num_epochs) self.worker_mats = np.zeros((self.U, self.C, self.R)) self.labels, self.labels_cov = list(), list() for transform in self.transform: if transform in (None, 'none', 'clr'): self.labels.append(np.zeros((self.I, self.C))) self.labels_cov.append(np.zeros((self.I, self.C, self.C))) elif transform in ('alr', 'ilr'): self.labels.append(np.zeros((self.I, self.C - 1))) self.labels_cov.append(np.zeros((self.I, self.C - 1, self.C - 1))) else: raise Exception('Unknown transform!') if save_samples: self.samples = np.zeros((self.num_epochs - self.burn_in, self.I, self.C - 1)) self.updateable = updateable self.vote_classes = None # estimate label means and covariances using cllda self.cllda(votes, workers, instances) # clean up if not self.updateable: self.vote_classes = None else: self.votes = votes self.instances = instances self.workers = workers # CLLDA optimization using Gibbs sampling def cllda(self, votes, workers, instances, starting_epoch=0): """ Performs inference on the :class: CLLDA model. :param votes: List of vote values. :param workers: List of workers who submitted :param votes. :param instances: List of instances to which the :param votes pertain. :param starting_epoch: How many epochs have already been incorporated in the averages. """ # precalculate worker_prior_sum = self.worker_prior.sum(axis=2) instance_prior_sum = self.instance_prior.sum() # initial estimates if self.vote_classes is None: if self.C == self.R: self.vote_classes = votes.copy() else: self.vote_classes = self.rng.randint(0, self.C, self.V) # calculate vote weights temp = np.vstack((workers, instances)).T temp = np.ascontiguousarray(temp).view(np.dtype((np.void, temp.dtype.itemsize * temp.shape[1]))) _, unique_counts = np.unique(temp, return_counts=True) weights = 1. / unique_counts[instances] # type: np.ndarray # initial counts counts_across_images = np.zeros(shape=(self.U, self.C, self.R)) counts_across_workers_and_votes = np.zeros(shape=(self.I, self.C)) for it_v in range(self.V): counts_across_images[workers[it_v], self.vote_classes[it_v], votes[it_v]] += weights[it_v] counts_across_workers_and_votes[instances[it_v], self.vote_classes[it_v]] += weights[it_v] counts_across_images_and_votes = counts_across_images.sum(axis=2) # set cl_transform transform = list() for tfm in self.transform: if tfm in (None, 'none'): transform.append(self.identity) elif tfm == 'clr': transform.append(clr) elif tfm == 'alr': transform.append(alr) elif tfm == 'ilr': transform.append(lambda comp: ilr(comp, mpm(self.C))) # LDA functions def get_data_like(): like = np.zeros(self.V) for it_v in range(self.V): i = instances[it_v] k = self.vote_classes[it_v] u = workers[it_v] v = votes[it_v] w = weights[it_v] # type: np.ndarray like[it_v] = (counts_across_workers_and_votes[i, k] - w + self.instance_prior[k]) \ * (counts_across_images[u, k, v] - w + self.worker_prior[u, k, v]) \ / (counts_across_images_and_votes[u, k] - w + worker_prior_sum[u, k]) return np.log(like).sum() def get_label_prob(): like = (counts_across_workers_and_votes[i, :] + self.instance_prior[:]) \ * (counts_across_images[u, :, v] + self.worker_prior[u, :, v]) \ / (counts_across_images_and_votes[u, :] + worker_prior_sum[u, :]) return like / like.sum() def update_labels(): # create update numerator = counts_across_workers_and_votes + self.instance_prior denominator = counts_across_workers_and_votes.sum(axis=1) + instance_prior_sum update = numerator / denominator[:, np.newaxis] for it, tfm in enumerate(transform): tfmupdate = tfm(update) if hasattr(self, 'samples'): self.samples[ep - self.burn_in, :, :] = tfmupdate # update labels delta = (tfmupdate - self.labels[it]) / (ep - self.burn_in + 1) self.labels[it] += delta # update labels_M2 delta_cov = delta[:, :, np.newaxis] * delta[:, :, np.newaxis].transpose(0, 2, 1) self.labels_cov[it] += (ep - self.burn_in) * delta_cov - self.labels_cov[it] / (ep - self.burn_in + 1) def update_worker_mats(): # create update numerator = counts_across_images + self.worker_prior denominator = counts_across_images.sum(axis=2) + worker_prior_sum update = numerator / denominator[:, :, np.newaxis] # update labels delta = (update - self.worker_mats) / (ep - self.burn_in + 1) self.worker_mats += delta # CLLDA start = time() for ep in range(starting_epoch, starting_epoch + self.num_epochs): # begin epoch print('starting epoch ' + str(ep + 1)) if ep > starting_epoch: time_to_go = (time() - start) * (self.num_epochs - ep) / ep if time_to_go >= 3600: print('Estimated time to finish: %.2f hours' % (time_to_go / 3600,)) elif time_to_go >= 60: print('Estimated time to finish: %.1f minutes' % (time_to_go / 60,)) else: print('Estimated time to finish: %.1f seconds' % (time_to_go,)) ep_start = time() # gibbs sampling for it_v in self.rng.permutation(self.V).astype(np.int64): # get correct indices i = instances[it_v] k = self.vote_classes[it_v] u = workers[it_v] v = votes[it_v] w = weights[it_v] # decrement counts counts_across_images[u, k, v] -= w counts_across_workers_and_votes[i, k] -= w counts_across_images_and_votes[u, k] -= w # calculate probabilities of labels for this vote probs = get_label_prob() # sample new label k = self.rng.multinomial(1, probs).argmax() self.vote_classes[it_v] = k # increment counts counts_across_images[u, k, v] += w counts_across_workers_and_votes[i, k] += w counts_across_images_and_votes[u, k] += w # save information self.LL[ep] = get_data_like() if ep >= self.burn_in + starting_epoch: update_labels() update_worker_mats() # print epoch LL and duration print('Epoch completed in %.1f seconds' % (time() - ep_start,)) print('LL: %.6f' % (self.LL[ep])) # adjust label covariances self.labels_cov = [x * self.num_samples / (self.num_samples - 1.) for x in self.labels_cov] time_total = time() - start if time_total >= 3600: print('CLLDA completed in %.2f hours' % (time_total / 3600,)) elif time_total >= 60: print('CLLDA completed in %.1f minutes' % (time_total / 60,)) else: print('CLLDA completed in %.1f seconds' % (time_total,)) # def update(self, votes, workers, instances, vote_ids=None, instance_ids=None, worker_ids=None, worker_prior=None, num_epochs=1000, burn_in=200): # check that this is updateble assert self.updateable, 'This model is not updateable, presumable to conserve memory.' # determine IDs # for votes old_vote_ids = self.vote_ids.copy() # type: np.ndarray if vote_ids is None: self.vote_ids = np.unique(votes) vote_dict = {y: x for x, y in enumerate(self.vote_ids)} votes = np.array([vote_dict[x] for x in votes]) else: self.vote_ids = vote_ids # for instances old_instance_ids = self.instance_ids.copy() # type: np.ndarray if instance_ids is None: self.instance_ids = np.unique(instances) instance_dict = {y: x for x, y in enumerate(self.instance_ids)} instances = np.array([instance_dict[x] for x in instances]) else: self.instance_ids = instance_ids # for workers old_worker_ids = self.worker_ids.copy() # type: np.ndarray if worker_ids is None: self.worker_ids = np.unique(workers) worker_dict = {y: x for x, y in enumerate(self.worker_ids)} workers = np.array([worker_dict[x] for x in workers]) else: self.worker_ids = worker_ids # update parameters self.V = len(votes) self.U = len(np.unique(workers)) self.I = len(np.unique(instances)) self.num_epochs = num_epochs self.burn_in = burn_in # add more samples to previous solution if np.array_equal(votes, self.votes) and np.array_equal(workers, self.workers) \ and np.array_equal(instances, self.instances) and np.array_equal(self.vote_ids, old_vote_ids) \ and np.array_equal(self.instance_ids, old_instance_ids) \ and np.array_equal(self.worker_ids, old_worker_ids): # adjust label covariances self.labels_cov = [x * (self.num_samples - 1.) / self.num_samples for x in self.labels_cov] # update parameters self.LL = np.concatenate((self.LL, np.zeros(num_epochs))) old_num_samples = self.num_samples self.num_samples += num_epochs - burn_in self.votes = votes self.workers = workers self.instances = instances # update cllda self.cllda(votes, workers, instances, old_num_samples - 1) # keep only vote-classes and build off of them else: # insert old vote-classes and initialize new vote-classes old_vote_classes = self.vote_classes.copy() self.vote_classes = np.zeros_like(votes) old_dict = {y: x for x, y in enumerate(zip(self.votes, self.workers, self.instances))} for it, index in enumerate(zip(votes, workers, instances)): try: self.vote_classes[it] = old_vote_classes[old_dict[index]] except KeyError: if self.C == self.R: self.vote_classes[it] = votes[it] else: self.vote_classes[it] = self.rng.randint(self.C) # adjust worker_prior if necessary if not np.array_equal(self.worker_ids, old_worker_ids): assert worker_prior is not None, "Worker priors must be provided if worker_ids change." self.worker_prior = np.array(worker_prior) if self.worker_prior.ndim == 2: self.worker_prior = np.tile(self.worker_prior[np.newaxis, :, :], [self.U, 1, 1]) # adjust info to save self.worker_mats = np.zeros((self.U, self.C, self.R)) self.labels, self.labels_cov = list(), list() for transform in self.transform: if transform in (None, 'none', 'clr'): self.labels.append(np.zeros((self.I, self.C))) self.labels_cov.append(np.zeros((self.I, self.C, self.C))) elif transform in ('alr', 'ilr'): self.labels.append(np.zeros((self.I, self.C - 1))) self.labels_cov.append(np.zeros((self.I, self.C - 1, self.C - 1))) else: raise Exception('Unknown transform!') # update parameters self.LL = np.zeros(num_epochs) self.num_samples = num_epochs # update cllda self.cllda(votes, workers, instances) self.votes = votes self.instances = instances self.workers = workers # no cl_transform @staticmethod def identity(compositional): return compositional def concurrent_cllda(models, votes, workers, instances, nprocs=4, **kwargs): """ Effortless parallelization of multiple CLLDA models. :param models: If creating new models, an integer denoting how many models to create. Otherwise, a list of existing models to update. :param votes: List of vote values. :param workers: List of uses who submitted :param votes. :param instances: List of instances to which the :param votes pertain. :param nprocs: Number of processors to use in the parallel pool. :param kwargs: Other possible inputs to either CLLDA.__init__ or CLLDA.update :return: List of new or updated CLLDA models. """ # open parallel pool print('Starting multiprocessing pool...') pool = mp.Pool(processes=nprocs) # run CL-LDA if isinstance(models, int): print('Starting new CL-LDA models in parallel...') if 'seed' in kwargs.keys(): np.random.seed(kwargs['seed']) kwargs = [deepcopy(kwargs) for x in range(models)] for it in range(models): kwargs[it]['seed'] = np.random.randint(int(1e8)) out =, [(votes, workers, instances, kwa) for kwa in kwargs]) elif hasattr(models, '__iter__'): print('Updating CL-LDA models in parallel...') out =, [(model, votes, workers, instances, kwargs) for model in models]) else: pool.close() TypeError('Unknown type for input: models.') # close parallel pool pool.close() print('Multiprocessing pool closed.') return out def combine_cllda(models): """ Combine multiple CLLDA instances. :param models: List of CLLDA models trained with the same settings. :return: CLLDA model which combines the input models. """ # check models are equivalent assert np.equal(models[0].V, [model.V for model in models[1:]]).any(), 'Different number of votes!' assert np.equal(models[0].U, [model.U for model in models[1:]]).any(), 'Different number of workers!' assert np.equal(models[0].I, [model.I for model in models[1:]]).any(), 'Different number of instances!' assert np.equal(models[0].C, [model.C for model in models[1:]]).any(), 'Different number of classes!' assert np.equal(models[0].R, [model.R for model in models[1:]]).any(), 'Different number of responses!' assert np.equal(models[0].worker_prior, [model.worker_prior for model in models[1:]]).any(), 'Different worker priors!' assert np.equal(models[0].instance_prior, [model.instance_prior for model in models[1:]]).any(), 'Different instance priors!' assert np.all([models[0].transform == model.transform for model in models[1:]]), 'Different transforms!' # data info out = deepcopy((models[0])) # combine label estimates out.num_samples = np.sum([model.num_samples for model in models]) # combine worker estimates out.worker_mats = np.sum([model.worker_mats * model.num_samples for model in models], axis=0) / out.num_samples if all([x.updateable for x in models]): out.vote_classes = mode(np.stack([x.vote_classes for x in models]))[0].flatten() # combine labels and label covariances for it in range(len(models[0].transform)): out.labels[it] = np.sum([model.labels[it] * model.num_samples for model in models], 0) / out.num_samples labels_corrmat = [(model.num_samples - 1.) / model.num_samples * model.labels_cov[it] + model.labels[it][..., np.newaxis] * model.labels[it][..., np.newaxis].transpose(0, 2, 1) for model in models] out.labels_cov[it] = np.sum([corrmat * model.num_samples for model, corrmat in zip(models, labels_corrmat)], 0) \ / out.num_samples - out.labels[it][..., np.newaxis] * out.labels[it][ ..., np.newaxis].transpose(0, 2, 1) # adjust label covariances out.labels_cov[it] *= out.num_samples / (out.num_samples - 1.) return out # map function def _new_cllda(inputs): return CLLDA(*inputs[:3], **inputs[3]) # map function def _update_cllda(inputs): inputs[0].update(*inputs[1:4], **inputs[4]) return inputs[0] # if __name__ == '__main__': # # test suite # from DS import DS # test_data = DS.test_data() # CLLDA(test_data[0], test_data[1], test_data[2], num_epochs=10, burn_in=2, transform=('none', 'alr', 'ilr', 'clr')) # cls = concurrent_cllda(4, test_data[0], test_data[1], test_data[2], # num_epochs=10, burn_in=2, transform=('none', 'alr', 'ilr', 'clr')) # cl = combine_cllda(cls) # a=1