# Collection of Resources for AIDAqc Pipeline This repository contains various resources related to the [AIDAqc pipeline](https://github.com/Aswendt-Lab/AIDAqc) used in the following Publication: ***Automated quality control of small animal MR neuroimaging data***, DOI: tbd. ## Repository Structure: - `code/`: Here, you can find all the code used for this publication. Detailed information is available in the README of the code folder. - `input/`: This folder contains all datasets used in the publication. - `output/`: Within this directory, you'll locate the final results generated by the AIDAqc pipeline for each dataset. Detailed information for each dataset's output can be found in their respective subfolders. - `docs/`: Additional documentation related to this project, including extra resources in the form of a README file within this folder. ## Additional Information: This structured dataset was created with reference to the following publication: [DOI:10.1038/s41597-023-02242-8](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41597-023-02242-8) If you have any questions or require further assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. Contact us via email at [markus.aswendt@uk-koeln.de](mailto:markus.aswendt@uk-koeln.de) or [aref.kalantari-sarcheshmeh@uk-koeln.de](mailto:aref.kalantari-sarcheshmeh@uk-koeln.de).