Brain Vision Data Exchange Header File Version 2.0 ; Data created from history path: EEG_39_ArtifactRejection_PPmusic/Raw Data [Common Infos] Codepage=UTF-8 DataFile=File_brainvision_3_int16.eeg MarkerFile=File_brainvision_3_int16.vmrk DataFormat=BINARY ; Data orientation: VECTORIZED=ch1,pt1, ch1,pt2..., MULTIPLEXED=ch1,pt1, ch2,pt1 ... DataOrientation=MULTIPLEXED DataType=TIMEDOMAIN NumberOfChannels=15 DataPoints=9996 ; Sampling interval in microseconds if time domain (convert to Hertz: ; 1000000 / SamplingInterval) or in Hertz if frequency domain: SamplingInterval=3906.25 SegmentationType=MARKERBASED SegmentDataPoints=294 [User Infos] ; Each entry: Prop=,,,,..., ; Property number must be unique. Types can be int, single, string, bool, byte, double, uint ; or arrays of those, indicated int-array etc ; Array types have more than one value, number of values determines size of array. ; Fields are delimited by commas, commas in strings are written \1 [Binary Infos] BinaryFormat=INT_16 UseBigEndianOrder=NO [Channel Infos] ; Each entry: Ch=,, ; ,, Future extensions... ; Fields are delimited by commas, some fields might be omitted (empty). ; Commas in channel names are coded as "\1". Ch1=EOG+,EOG-,0.0022621781,µV Ch2=EOGV+,EOGV-,0.0022621781,µV Ch3=F3,,0.0022621781,µV Ch4=Fz,,0.0022621781,µV Ch5=F4,,0.0022621781,µV Ch6=T3,,0.0022621781,µV Ch7=C3,,0.0022621781,µV Ch8=Cz,,0.0022621781,µV Ch9=C4,,0.0022621781,µV Ch10=T4,,0.0022621781,µV Ch11=P3,,0.0022621781,µV Ch12=Pz,,0.0022621781,µV Ch13=P4,,0.0022621781,µV Ch14=O1,,0.0022621781,µV Ch15=O2,,0.0022621781,µV [Channel User Infos] ; Each entry: Prop=Ch,,,,,..., ; Property number must be unique. Types can be int, single, string, bool, byte, double, uint ; or arrays of those, indicated int-array etc ; Array types have more than one value, number of values determines size of array. ; Fields are delimited by commas, commas in strings are written \1 ; Properties are assigned to channels using their channel number. [Coordinates] ; Each entry: Ch=,, Ch1=0,0,0 Ch2=0,0,0 Ch3=1,-60,-51 Ch4=1,45,90 Ch5=1,60,51 Ch6=1,-90,0 Ch7=1,-45,0 Ch8=1,0,0 Ch9=1,45,0 Ch10=1,90,0 Ch11=1,-60,51 Ch12=1,45,-90 Ch13=1,60,-51 Ch14=1,-90,72 Ch15=1,90,-72